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31 The Super Bowl always captures a large audience. 32 This Week - give super added value. 33 G was a three-ring circus on Super Bowl Sunday. 34 You can have your Super Bowl Sunday. 34try its best to collect and create good sentences. 35 Now, that would be a Super Sunday. 36 It will be a super production! 37 The Super Bowl is America's premier sporting event. 38 It started off like most Super Bowls start. 39 But they weren't really that super. 40 The big screen does movies, text, super graphics, whatever. 41 Walsh coached the team to two Super Bowl championships. 42 Still no super, still no owner. 43 Sting performed at the Super Bowl pre-game show. 44 It can be a great car, a super car. 45 But, like the Super Bowl itself, expectations for these Web sites usually surpass the actual event. 46 She was also one of the founder members of a super pool of judges which brought more than 450 Mafia members to trial. 47 Don't miss our birthday bonanza Roll up for super carpet market! 48 However high you choose this super resolution, the day will come when it's not enough. 49 Though not yet championship caliber, it at least provides some sense of excitement surrounding the Super Bowl. 50 About 500 people will attend a private party in the room on the eve of the Super Bowl. 51 Johnson Matthey's Cerene glaze formulation has enabled Inax to commercialise a new series of high gloss, super white tile glazes. 52 The Redskins will be looking to repeat their Super Bowl victory next season. 53 Aikman, as he always has in Super Bowls, threw for a high completion percentage, with no interceptions. 54 Jarvis began the long road to the Super Show two years ago, when the eyeshields he had bought failed his son. 55 Ideally, Brown said, the city should host the Super Bowl in a new football stadium, sometime shortly after 1999. 56 And he has things he wants to accomplish above and beyond another Super Bowl. 57 Their horrible loss in the Super Bowl has been difficult for many fans to stomach. 58 Our super results and fixtures service will keep you up-to-date with all the action. 59 I had an extremely mature view about these proceedings. I thought that Victoria Lum was a super wupo. 60 Although they were narrowly beaten it was a super effort by the team.