快好知 kuaihz

91 That vital ingredient - confidence - is still absent but it may resurface soon. 92 The new ingredient in the assessment of how many deaths the Windscale cloud caused is the radioactive isotope, polonium 210. 93 But instead of adapting the whole recipe at once, we fiddled with one ingredient at a time. 94 We must take advantage of this wonderful fruit. As a cooking ingredient an apple is a versatile as an egg. 95 Confidence is the main missing ingredient that is preventing an upturn in the economy. 96 Good leadership from the headteacher has been identified by studies of school effectiveness as a crucial ingredient for success. 97 Fetal calf serum is one such ingredient; and there are many others. 98 He said that the essential ingredient of that, or any creative activity, was love. 99 In his view, design is ninety-eight percent commonsense and two percent a magic ingredient to do with aesthetics. 100 But the fact remains: Corn is an inherent ingredient in our traditional larder. 101 None of these reasons provides an adequate excuse for leaving an important ingredient like behaviour to chance. 102 Remove ingredient containers, clean auger discharges with a nylon scraper, refill as necessary, wipe exteriors and set aside 3. 103 But Silber and the others have identified one essential ingredient: abhorrence for the status quo. 104 This is because as I understand it, they regard management a very important ingredient within their strategy. 105 Integrity is the basis of trust, which is not as much an ingredient of leadership as it is a product. 106 The one necessary ingredient in that decision was the support of Mayor Daley. 107 Desire is the first and most important ingredient of powerful motivation, and powerful motivation is essential to success. 108 Boost is engine manifold pressure, a key ingredient in the maintenance of horsepower and ultimately, miles per hour. 109 Carbon dioxide, a principal ingredient of the exhaust gases made during combustion of hydrocarbons, has a molecular weight of 44. 110 Every other layer is spinach noodles, and the secret ingredient is the fifth cheese. 111 One to two tablespoons of each ingredient is more than enough, especially for smaller tortillas. 112 I would urge Reed to think again as wholesalers are a vital ingredient for effective modern bookselling. 113 That ingredient was delivered in the mid-1990s when Donald Trump and other developers brought floating casinos to Gary. 114 I think the main ingredient for success is that you have to have a good sense of timing. 115 After boil-off the hopped wort is cooled and oxygenated enroute to fermenting vessel where the magic ingredient, yeast, is added. 116 Ingredient: Helichrysum, walnut oil and walnut grain etc. 117 Ingredient: Shea butter, polyclonal keratin and compound vitamin etc. 118 Ingredient: Helichrysum and cucumber extracted liquid etc. 119 Ingredient: Verbena and Aloevera Gel etc. 120 Ingredient: VE, Organic soya oil, Shea butter, Glycerin etc.