快好知 kuaihz

31. That description captures perfectly the feeling of being invisible. 32. The death and destruction were beyond description. 33. The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 34. The foregoing is a description of the proposed plan. 35. The book gave a graphic description of the war. 36. She gave us a lurid description of the birth. 37. His writing was strong on description. 38. This does not answer to the description given. 39. The chaos at the airport defies description. 40. The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii. 41. His hat was so funny it beggars description. 42. The description was pretty vague. 43. He has a real gift for vivid description. 44. Tick the description that best fits you. 45. We had only a vague description of the attacker. 46. Events of this description occurred daily. 47. Her beauty is beyond description. 48. He answers to the description. 49. Boats of every description were entering the harbour. 50. I checked my job description . 51. The beauty of the scenery defied all description. 52. They bristled at his denigrating description of their activities. 53. His face was so odd that it defies description. 54. Write a description of your favourite seaside resort. 55. The play was dull beyond description. 56. He answers the description you gave. 57. They gave a general description of the man. 58. This dog answers your description. 59. Police have issued a description of the murder suspect. 60. The writer began with a description of the area.