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(91) Radio ad revenues shrink in a recession and debt could become a much heavier burden. (92) Some of the big ad agencies close up shop early for the holidays. (93) The company estimates 50, 000 golfers will see each ad annually. (94) Let's hope some of our little fire raisers don't manage to get there and put the ad into practice. (95) One day he puts this PersonaIs ad on her desk. (96) Write a classified newspaper ad, or post a note on a computer bulletin board, offering to give the computer away. (97) Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way. (97)try its best to gather and build good sentences. (98) So then because thou art lukewarm ad neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth. (99) Where a guardian ad litem has been appointed the solicitor must take instructions from the guardian. (100) What all of this means is that the stakes in the ad game are astronomical. (101) If you see an ad which makes you really stop and take notice, some one has succeeded in getting through to you. (102) Meanwhile, the London-based ad firm was scrambling to rejuvenate the account, bringing in creative talent from their Southern California office. (103) In the 30-second spot, the first attack ad of his campaign, Buchanan accuses competitors Dole, Sen. (104) Rats placed on to a semi-starvation diet live longer than those given food ad libitum. (105) Eventually a group of Arab youths becomes visible, running down the hill towards the giant Marlboro ad by the city limits. (106) The fourth defendant, T., who was unconscious, was represented by the Official Solicitor as guardian ad litem. (107) Yet, if you show people the ad, they will tell you just the things that the strategy was looking for. (108) In contrast to the Lisa approach, the Macintosh team implemented its interface issues on an ad hoc basis. (109) Y., which works mainly for ad agencies and is following a Nielsen-like model of audience measurement through random sampling. (110) They put an ad in the paper for people to be the cowboy, the construction worker and the biker. (111) But the chain gets $ 18, 500 for the same ad if the book is more heavily discounted. (112) But at 738, 000, said Ad Melkert, the social affairs minister, the number is still too high. (113) Part of the screen was taken up by a banner ad for TotalNews sponsor NewsPage, a personalized Internet news service. (114) An ad hoc committee has been set up to deal with the problem. (115) Then, with the advent of ad agencies, the adverts themselves became commodities. (116) Pharmaceutical ad revenue is expected to soar 300 percent in 1997. (117) Diets and water were supplied ad libitum. Food consumption was recorded every 3 days and the animals were weighed weekly. (118) I don't care if he appeared in the ad in return for a donation to the Terrence Higgins Trust. (119) That banner ad obscured an ad on the Time site for PointCast, which competes with NewsPage. (120) In Iowa Friday, Forbes challenged the ad as untrue and demanded an apology from the Dole campaign.