快好知 kuaihz

Hide lie run Everybody have a fun Human human being 心不会往一处想 Fight so many round So many round So many round Fight so many round So many round So 太累了 go to sleep 你收入是几 羡慕的都不是你 钞票要咋个去洗 有好多猫腻横跨了几个世纪 发动机的马力墙上挂的挂历 肯定不是夏利简直不够大气 Money 要咋个去比不要去比 你不在迈凯轮里 Oh danm it oh f**k it 我不是你 darlin' 我是一条鲨鱼 No candy oh 款爷 人生会有转折不信你问 kanye So many so many lie So many so many kind of life 高端的 life 低端的 life 全部都是命 nobody kill my vibe 爬开老子还没嗨够 King 是我的 title 开门见山我的开头 局面火爆引来 five o 酒席没完还有白酒 喝翻了好多的 idol 这个叫代价代价喊个代驾 不然有交警来招手 Hide lie run Everybody have a fun Human human being 心不会往一处想 Fight so many round So many round So many round Fight so many round So many round So many round 想 sleep Sleep Go to sleep Go to sleep Sleep sleep sleep 醒过来醒过来醒过来 醒过来 马上就必须要解决问题 Hide lie run Everybody have a fun Human human being 心不会往一处想 Fight so many round So many round So many round Fight so many round So many round So many So many So many round