快好知 kuaihz

dont believe歌词
Ive seen this place a thousand times Ive felt this all before And every time you call Ive waited there as though you might not call at all I know this face Im wearing now Ive seen this in my eyes And though it feels so great, Im still afraid That youll be leaving anytime Weve done this once and then you closed the door Dont let me fall again for nothing more Dont say you love me unless forever Dont tell me you need me, if youre not gonna stay Dont give me this feeling, Ill only believe it Make it real or take it all away Ive caught myself smiling alone Just thinking of your voice And dreaming of your touch, is all too much You know I dont have any choice Dont say you love me unless forever Dont tell me you need me, if youre not gonna stay Dont give me this feeling, Ill only believe it Make it real or take it all away Yeah Yeah Yeah Weve d
歌词灰尘经典的 欧美歌曲 来感受一下吧像星星一样  ▌ 这首抒情歌 在各网站得到不少好评你离开后酒吧是我另一个家我现在的手机铃声 喜欢请随便咖啡店的那个下午我迷恋上了这个曲It s My Life 摇滚版.一阵风 一抹阳光 一次邂逅 一种颜色 最纯粹的轻灵之音◆◆  你存在 我深深的脑海里           ◆◆分手█听过这么柔和的男声吗苏荷式的新颖前奏·简单的抒情小曲·动动手指么〆强荐﹩ the new diana﹏ ‖ 这男声太有味道了 听了才知道是你想要的﹏ ‖ 听着这样の节奏你能不摇起来吗 节奏绝对贊﹏ ‖ 催情の音乐 你怎能不动心 相信这节奏如果有一天你有勇气 想爱就爱 yes or no﹏ ﹏◆ 嗓音很浑厚的Rnb女声 绝对吸引你的听觉 不火真亏了开头的尖叫够震撼&够特别 给你回头率超高的铃声ぉ混搭R&B和舞池风格ぉ 浓厚的黑人元素令人耳目一新生日高兴苏荷制前奏·动情rap·优质女声拼凑成完美演绎Eminem联手Rihanna超赞冠单 我爱你不解释 极品混音粤语中的R&B 经典哦 女声太舒服了深夜.无法言喻的悲伤我一定要得到你 完整版﹏ ‖ 非常舒缓の调调绝对能打动你 喜欢才是硬道理 ﹏annabelle◥█◣心境如此不安 调调变化多端 思念挂念◆◆  不错的节奏 不错的调调           ◆◆····抒情的节奏·男女之间的默契·很上调