快好知 kuaihz

I m Yours歌词
I m Yours ----hi,标题在这里。 我实在是不能忍受这中文翻译了 我实在是太累了懒得一行行删了 Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 I fell right through the cracks 这感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 and now I’m trying to get back 而我现在开始尝试着回归现实 Before the cool done run out 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前 I’ll be giving it my bestest 我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) Nothing’s going to stop me but divine