快好知 kuaihz

61 She can expect an early release from prison. 62 She has to release her frustrations somewhere. 63 Her kidnapper extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release. 64 Laughter can be a great release of tension. 65 He is not due for release until 2020. 66 He's managed to secure the release of the hostages. 67 To release the brake, pull the lever towards you. 68 Who gave the authorization to release the data? 69 Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy. 70 The lawyer turned over the release papers. 71 We will work for the release of the hostages. 72 The lilies release their heady perfume in the evening. 73 She commanded the release of the prisoners. 74 Simon has obtained early release from prison. 75 Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. 76 After my examination I had a feeling of release. 77 We redouble our efforts for Manhan's release. 78 He decided to release his claim to property. 79 A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly. 80 If there is no response to your press release, follow it up with a phone call. 81 The terrorists will only release their hostages on certain conditions. 82 Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him. 83 The release of prisoners remains an obstacle in the path of a peace agreement. 84 The fighters had reneged on a pledge to release foreign prisoners. 85 He changed his identity and moved abroad on his release from prison. 86 October 22nd is the date set for the report's release. 87 Reliving past experiences can release powerful feelings that have been pent up too long. 88 A by-product of their meeting was the release of these fourteen men. 89 The sudden noise made him release his hold on her arm. 90 They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds.