快好知 kuaihz

1, A good friend is my nearest relation.Thomas Fuller 2, Is he any relation ? 3, Your answer has no relation to the question. 4, There's no relation between the two things. 5, Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them. 6, Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting. 7, The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass. 8, I have a lot to say in relation to that affair. 9, I understand him to be a distant relation. 10, Steve is a distant relation of my wife. 11, He's called Brady too, but we're no relation . 12, What relation are you to Jessica? 13, Its brain is small in relation to its body. 14, A relation of mine is coming to stay. 15, What relation are you ? 16, He had a relation who lived up the road. 17, The fee bears little relation to the service provided. 18, I think she's a relation of theirs. 19, The film bore no relation to the book. 20, What relation is Rita to you? 21, He is a distant relation of mine. 22, Is he any relation to you? 23, Women's earnings are still low in relation to men's. 24, Their relation doesn't struggle on any more. 25, The project was outlined with relation to available funds. 26, They redetermined the relation between them. 27, X bears no relation to Y. 28, How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 29, There were some mediate contacts between the two countries before their diplomatic relation was established. 30, The short story is often considered to be a sort of poor relation to the novel.