快好知 kuaihz

241, Often quarrel because of the bagatelle of a few trifles and person sometimes or be born fuggy , human relation is done very tensely. 242, Suggesting inflation in a recession is not to hark back to the Phillips curve, which depicts an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation rates. 243, It has more closer relation with the market value-added compared with traditional accounting basis and market performance basis, no matter the market is mature or not. 244, Are you the ultimate beneficial owner(s) in relation to the Account? 245, This is an offer letter for students with overseas status in relation to Tuition Fees. 246, Therefore, either realism or abstractionism or modern arts has an inseparable relation with visual experience. 247, Finally I came to recognize that there seems to be some relation between the enabling of lock elision and the data size of the locked object. 248, The relation between the optimal coefficient of performance and the rate of refrigeration of a Carnot refrigerator for an idea or van der Waals gas as a working fluids(?)derived. 249, Ceruloplasmin is an important biochemical marker of Wilson disease, but the cognitions of the relation between Ceruloplasmin and Wilson disease is still unclear. 250, The relation between the rearrangement of the coefficients of a Dirichlet series in the right surface and the order of growths of this series sum-function was investigated. 251, Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation. 252, The article attempts to expound the importance of semantic meaning in word learning from the angle of the semantic relation of word. 253, By simulating the temperature of the cryopanel and the relation between the pressure and pumping gas speed of the cryopump, it was verified the vacuum system design was rational. 254, In the inculpatory act of rescue which implements for other people's benefit, the key question should solve is how to deal with relation between emergency people and beneficiary. 255, In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately. 256, "I did not plan to undertake in-house public relations, in that way word, the relation of I and employee can become only more flooey " . 257, The paper features in detail its constitution and functions, working principles of its main components and change-over relation between radio signal and mechanical action, etc. 258, It concluded that there is a liner relation between the physical chemical properties of alkanes and effective length of carbon chain. 259, With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding. 260, Tellegen's theorem in various forms is derived by the orthogonality relation between the current subspace and voltage subspace. 261, A few small lung nodules are also visible. This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. Subpleural nodules are visible particularly in relation to the major fissures. 262, Good transport facilities, wealthily district resources, and superior field bit condition made us have "timeliness, advance ground, gracious human relation". 263, This thesis otherwise researches and analyzes the hardware circuit design which has relation to the last level and protective circuit of semiconductor laser driver. 264, Because the relation between the sum of amplitude and the sampling rate owns the character of V curve, the optimal solution will be found quickly. 265, Clearly, the amount of money people save is in inverse relation to the amount they spend. 266, A macro and micro mechanics model is presented based on the relation between macroscopic and microscopic stress and strain fields, in which composite macroscopic stress strain relation is obtained. 267, There is a certain functional relation between seismic interval velocity and formation porosity asas residual porosity. 268, Based on the Theory of Clausal Pivot and the Collocation Theory, the use and distribution of the relation markers of compound sentences are studied in this paper. 269, There is corresponding relation between gravity gradient of gravitational field and earthquake distribution. 270, The flow field cavitation inside the water hydraulic poppet valve was modeled and analyzed by using the software of FLUENT, and the relation between the cavitation and the pressure was investigated.