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121. This paper is one of the most important to emerge from the Council since the consultative paper on Advanced Courses in 1987. 122. Questions relating to data integration emerge as being particularly critical in terms of environmental monitoring and settlement and infrastructure applications. 123. Curiosity satisfied, it is rather a relief to emerge from darkness to daylight. 124. These could then serve as the basis for further testing, allowing the best candidate for a true representation to emerge. 125. A typical half embryo was seen to emerge just as if an older embryo had been sliced in two with a razor. 126. From both deserted village sites and surviving nucleated settlements, a very complex picture of change and development is beginning to emerge. 127. Of course, no day is typical and there are particular tensions which emerge in the few weeks before the Christmas break. 128. Excellence in defense management will not and cannot emerge by legislation or directive. 129. Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence. 130. But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition, a different perspective can emerge. 131. Men of industry and commerce began to emerge as men of some wealth. 132. Business gossip columnists speculate endlessly on who will emerge as the old man's successor. 133. I personally doubt whether any clear evolutionary picture would emerge if we were to base ourselves simply on Formen. 134. The Social Democrats were expected to emerge on top thanks to traditional backing from workers in the industrial south. 135. And then a great wave breaks over me and I emerge into full consciousness. 136. Matthes' own culinary gifts emerge during lunchtime, when a need for more substantial food drives the agenda. 137. The hope is that a more reform-friendly Duma will emerge after the next election, due in three years' time. 138. The behaviour of the body as a whole will then emerge as a consequence of interactions of the parts. 139. I hope that this book provides others with insights, thereby enabling a scientific consensus to emerge. 140. This reveals that out of the destruction a new creation can emerge. 141. Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection? 142. New technology, new products and new ideas emerge constantly. Intelligence and creation of human being are the unexhausted headspring of society and economy development. 143. Overlay in other foundation cream products on, then have certainly the makeup result, emerge as the delicate makeup effect of the powder of the velvet. 144. With the artists misting the interior three or four times a day—a process shown in the ethereal, chiaroscuro image seen here—the shoots emerge into a blanket of greenery. 145. Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains. 146. While ethics in health care dates back at least to the times of Hippocrates, Sun Si Miao,1 and Ibn Sina (Avicenna),2 the field of “bioethics” did not emerge until after World War Two. 147. Zimmer said that the theory of evolution fascinates him, because it explains how all forms of life emerge and develop, from 3.5 billion years ago to today. 148. Until 1993, after the emerge of I Love My Family, this new type of teleplay called "situation comedy" was formally introduced into China. 149. Larry Yu, a Facebook spokesman, said his company expected competitors large and small to emerge but was focused on building a valuable service. 150. At last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence within hail.