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say yes造句
1, I'm pretty sure he'll say yes. 2, Just say yes or no. 3, I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong. 4, You mean everything to me. Please say yes. Happy Valentine's Day, Honey! 5, Will she say yes when I ask her out? 6, When we say yes, we mean it. 7, Can I go, Mum? Oh please say yes! 8, Some say yes and some say no. 9, If you ask her nicely she might say yes. 10, We're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals. 11, I wish he'd say yes or no - he's been pissing me around for weeks. 12, If it were up to me, I'd say yes, but I'll have to check with TPTB. 13, We would still say yes to both. 14, He might say yes. You never know. 15, Please say yes! Go on, daddy, say yes! 16, She ached to say yes, but all her instincts rebelled. 17, He felt offended that she couldn't say yes and impatient with her hesitation, blaming Katherine for his own confusion. 18, And I had to say yes,[http:///say yes.html] because I didn't want to be called a snob too. 19, I shall say yes, she was thinking. I have to say yes. 20, Surprisingly, scientific ethicists seem to say yes. 21, Do I say yes, mamma? 22, While on the surface or the seriousness to say yes to the following human development. 23, It was impossible to say yes, with Mrs Reed sitting there, so I was silent. 24, They just kept upping their offer until I had to say yes. 25, Closing the sale means that you ask the buyer to say yes or no. 26, You know what he's like ... I wouldn't put it past him to say yes just to spite me. 27, It is much quicker, and it means the same, if we say Yes I do or Yes I think so. 28, I knew it was wrong but I honestly could not make myself say yes to that man. 29, Why don't you ask for a raise? You never know, they could say yes. 30, He did what no one had done before: he asked what the IRAmight say yes to.