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be classified into造句
(31) Property may be classified into real property and personal property. (32) Waste can be classified into unharmful waste, harmful waste (including inorganic and organic waste) and nuclear waste according to the level of harmful on environment. (33) According to the relationship between the most close-packed planes and surface of deposit layer, these deposits can be classified into two types, the parallel and the perpendicular. (34) Global optimization algorithms can be classified into two types : stochastic techniques and deterministic techniques. (35) The type and composition of the naphthenic acids can be classified into fatty acids, mono-, hexa-cyclic naphthenic acids according to their mass spectrum and peak intensity. (36) There are many objects in information security evaluation, which can be classified into qualitative index and quantitative index, profitability index, cost index and interval index. (37) The growth of literature approximately fit the logistic curve, which could be classified into basic stage(1986—1994), growth stage(1995—2002) and stable stage(2003—2009). (38) Seeing the borehole wall as the boundary, the heat transfer area of U-tube will be classified into inside part and outside part. (39) The payment methods can be classified into three categories according to different types of short message services: the called party paying, the SP paying and the third party paying. (40) Echoic utterances can be classified into two subtypes: echo question and echo exclamation[http://], which have special structural characteristics and pragmatic functions. (41) Results The cases diastematomyelia can be classified into two types; the double tubular and the single tubular type. (42) Estuaries are the home of many living species that can be classified into plankton, nekton and benthos based on their swim ability and the habitats they live. (43) Based on petrography, major and trace element data, the tholeiitic basalts could be classified into two major geochemical types: low Ti (LT) and high Ti (HT) basalts. (44) By behavior costs can be classified into variable costs and fixed costs. (45) Pragmatic failure can be classified into interlingual pragmatic failure and intralingual pragmatic failure. (46) In a general sense, the knowledge can be classified into three types:the declarative knowledge, the procedural knowledge and the strategic knowledge. (47) Word motivation is a kind of inner link between word form and word meaning. The motivations of dialect words in modern Chinese can be classified into explicit and implicit motivations. (48) Social problems in sport could be classified into structural social problems in sport and anomic behavior social problems in sport. (49) Abortion can also be classified into spontaneous abortion and artificial abortion based upon the underlying causes. (50) The anthropomorphized spiritual images in the Chinese petrous pictures can be classified into three types: spirit of nature worship, spirit of ancestor worship and spirit of procreation. (51) Relevant documental materials can be classified into two groups—one concerning adverse selection theory and the other focusing on the solution of this sort of issue. (52) The "interference in politics" of Qi aristocratic women can be classified into three aspects: striving for their sons, scrabbling for status for their inamoratos, and covering up cuckoldry behaviors. (53) The constructivity of mathematics may be classified into two grades, namely, the constructivity of mathematical content and that of mathematic system. (54) Organic synthesis can be classified into two ways based upon different donor of glycosyl groups in the glycosidation, namely glycosyl-bromo-glycoside donor and acyl donor. (55) The potentiality can be classified into four: necessity, facticity, occasionality and imposition. (56) In the perspective of the vertical integration of operational process in emergency management, emergency materials can be classified into responsive materials and recovery materials. (57) Discrete particle models can be classified into Deterministic method and Stochastic method in accounting for the particle collisions. (58) The user modules can be classified into Static - link Library and Dynamic - link Library ( DLL ) . (59) In fact, most of the elements that influence the social audit quality can be classified into one category—audit resource. (60) Other liabilities that cannot be classified into the two headings above.