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rose garden造句
1. A rose garden fronts the house. 2. Jim's rose garden is a riot of colour. 3. Gandhi the rice field, Tagore the rose garden. 4. Our bedroom window overlooks a fragrant rose garden. 5. At the end of the rose garden an iron gate between grey stone pillars gave on to the fields beyond. 6. Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension. 7. Her house had a bathroom, and a rose garden, and a grand piano in the front room. 8. She enjoys propagating, the rose garden contains pinks and martagon and regale lilies from seed. 9. There is an extensive rose garden, separate from the Observatory, laid out in the 1930s. 10. Bursting with enthusiasm, Lady Amory laid a new rose garden on the terrace in front of the house. 11. Make sure you put my urn in the rose garden. 12. I never promised you a rose garden. 13. Nobody is promising you a rose garden. 14. Life can be a rose garden. 15. A bunny has a beautiful rose garden. 16. Next Saturday will be Open Day of Rose Garden School. 17. The zoo's test rose garden won national recognition in 1995. 18. Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose. 19. One of the Trust's early summer glories is the rose garden at Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire. 20. I joined a science team in 1985 to revisit Rose Garden. 21. Over the fields of the university campus, and a sudden low redbrick wall, a precisely colonnaded rose garden. 22. The Clintons are expected to turn this into a rose garden. 23. I am glad that my first dive was to Rose Garden. 24. The large drawing-room is reached through a garden room, its terraces leading to a Jacobean rose garden. 25. He led us through a gate and into a perfect little rose garden. 26. Joe organized a beautiful private ceremony, and Delia was buried in his rose garden. 27. If you like roses, you could consider planting a specialised rose garden. 28. Failing that, you must at least keep a detailed plan or map of your rose garden with such information. 29. But should the Republicans control both houses of Congress, they should not expect, in the ashy dawn of November 3, a chastened president to appear in the Rose Garden mantled in sackcloth and ashes. 30. And we go to the stars. Evergreen . A rose garden . African Wind . Zephyrus.