快好知 kuaihz

31. His taste was for David Bowie , Boston, and Cheap Trick. 32. Skateboarder Zach Lyons, 26, of Bowie, Maryland, performs a skateboarding trick on the Freedom Bell in front of Washington D. C. 's Union Station. 33. Kieran: I still need to get hold of a catapult, bowie knife and crossbow. If we encounter any wild animals, I intend to be armed to the teeth. 34. I know, I know . Who am l ? David Bowie? 35. In the novel, Dracula isn't killed by a wooden stake to the heart, the usual way to kill a vampire in folklore, but by a bowie knife. 36. Bowie : a city of west - central Maryland northeast of Washington, D . C. It is primarily residential. 37. He used a bowie knife as a ring and played with bears and other wild animals. 38. Leon - Bowie two years prior to the draft fell on the second round, mainly because people think he's a great risk of injury, and his inner block header hit some not. 39. Courbet, Charlie Chaplin and David Bowie are among those who settled at Lake Geneva. They are intoxicated, no doubt, at the Alpine panorama. 40. Snakeskinankle boots with amber Perspex heels, a David Bowie soundtrack andmessy ponytails subverted the niceness of the collection. 41. David Bowie 、 Iggy Pop and Lou Reed, have stolen our hearts. 42. He used a bowie knife as a teething ring and played with bears and other wild animals. 43. Injun Joe bowie - knife lay close by, its blade broken in two. 44. Previous years have been overseen by David Bowie and Jarvis Cocker. 45. When Santa Anna's army reached San Antonio, Travis, in full command because Bowie had fallen ill, declared from within the Alamo, ""I shall never surrender or retreat."... victory or death."