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1 Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating. 2 Constant dieting can be self-defeating. 3 Punishing the demonstrators is self-defeating because it only encourages further demonstrations. 4 In contrast, self-defeating organizations enjoy no such freedom. 5 Hope Steadman's self-defeating quest for perfection? 6 A smile is self-powering, a frown is self-defeating.Dr T.P.Chia 7 Self-defeating organizations are, by definition, averse to the truth. 8 In self-defeating organizations,[www.] poor performance comes to resemble this sort of eternally perpetuating cycle. 9 When an organization repeatedly puts self-defeating behavior patterns into practice, it eventually develops a self-defeating character. 10 Caught in this dilemma, the self-defeating organization typically postpones the inevitable choice among unsavory alternatives as long as possible. 11 Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation. 12 To minimize how this price is perceived, the self-defeating organization can avail itself of any of the techniques described here. 13 The leaders of self-defeating organizations are well aware of this phenomenon; they depend upon it to justify their haphazard training practices. 14 Ultimately, though, the self-defeating organiza-tion ends up attributing its failures to some unalterable aspect of its character. 15 But within the context of a self-defeating organizational behavior system, minimizing serves a larger and more sinister purpose. 16 In this sense, the high-performance loop turns the self-defeating organizational behavior pattern on its head. 17 Members of a self-defeating organiza-tion are, as a result of prior negative experiences, inclined to believe the worst. 18 Self-defeating organizations are nothing if not adroit at minimizing the costs of their destructive or ineffectual actions. 19 Dishonesty is ultimately self-defeating. 20 The ongoing practice of self-defeating organizational behavior patterns leads ineluctably to the formation of what we call a self-defeating organizational character. 21 They learn to then shift from negative, self-defeating internal dialogue towards positive, more realistic, and confidence-building self-speech. 22 In the face of a self-defeating organizational behavior pattern, a person of this sort has little choice other than to fight. 23 Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating. 24 So there you have it: narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating. 25 Or would these moves have made the parish more contentious, poisoned the nurturing atmosphere, and proved ultimately self-defeating? 26 For this reason, beyond a certain stage, any remedial measure to counteract gravity becomes self-defeating. 27 He is counseled by a sports psychologist who helps him interpret and banish negative, self-defeating feelings. 28 When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices. 29 Flagrant disregard for the evidence freely available in libraries at home and abroad was self-defeating. 30 Finally, retroactive cost justification fails because it never takes into account the qualitative costs that self-defeating actions inflict on organizational performance.