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1 Trigeminal neuralgia, especially of the left side. 2 This is the normal position of the trigeminal motor nerve. 3 For example: Depression, Epilepsy, Hemorrhagic Stroke and Trigeminal Neuralgia. 4 Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves; trifacial. 5 Purpose:To analyse MRI manifestations of trigeminal neurinoma. 6 Objective: To study relationship between trigeminal nerve root and its around vessel. 7 The fifth cranial nerve, called the trigeminal nerve, is apparently responsible for sneezes. 8 Objective To evaluate the thin sectional anatomy of trigeminal nerve and radiological findings of invasion by tumor. 9 ObjectiverTo investigate the change of the trigeminal somatosensory evoked potential ( TSEP ) on cerebral ischemia - reperfusion rats. 10 Results The trigeminal neurinoma could be classified into three types: posterior cranial fossa type (8 cases), middle cranial fossa type (4 cases), and straddle type (24 cases). 11 Methods 13 patients, suffering from trigeminal herpes zoster with oral herpes and erosion, were given generally anti-virus therapy and locally external agents. 12 The pit organ contains nerve fibres known as trigeminal ganglia. 13 In trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux), Brief attacks of severe shooting pain along a Branch of the trigeminal nerve (in front of the ear) usually Begin after middle age, more often in women. 14 Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination , inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression. 15 Multiple sclerosis can cause facial pain indistinguishable from idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. 16 This action has been shown to be a good predictor of therapeutic effectiveness in trigeminal neuralgia. 17 Neurologic Examination Neurologic findings are always normal in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. 18 Treatment is with carbamazepine and / or the other medications mentioned for trigeminal neuralgia. 19 See previous discussion in this chapter describing treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, for the dosage schedule. 20 Objective: To explore a new treatment of gerocomy patient with trigeminal neuralgia. 21 Birds with the severed beak-to-brain nerve — called the trigeminal nerve — still oriented perfectly, Mouritsen says. 22 Objective To study the mechanism of glycerol in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. 23 Aim:To raise the removal degree and to improve the postoperative result of MP (middle and posterior fossae) trigeminal neurinoma. 24 In most severe cases, the external carotid artery, strap muscles of the neck, Vagus nerve, Hypoglossal nerve and the lingual branch of the Trigeminal nerve are also removed. 25 Methods Chiseling the mandibular canal and seeking retrorsely its host from the nerve branch by conventional autopsy equipment to make trigeminal nerve specimen. 26 Conclusion The distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers was different in the trigeminal root. 27 Conclusion 3D-CISS MR imaging is useful in the detection of neurovascular relationship and correlation between the region of neuralgic manifestation and the site of trigeminal nerve compression. 28 Objective: To study the changes of microcirculation bed and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in model for trigeminal neuralgia SD rats. 29 Method: Puncture - cryotherapy was used to treat 35 gerocomy patient with trigeminal neuralgia. 30 Compared with other two cranial nerves, oculomotor nerve was thinner than trigeminal nerve and was thicker than abducent nerve.