快好知 kuaihz

1 There were waiters with trays and starched cloths. 2 She shook out an-other damp starched shirt. 3 They are dressed in starched khaki. 4 These shirts need to be starched and ironed. 5 They got hot under their starched collars about an obscene profusion of textual practices. 6 Two pairs of black policemen in starched khaki uniforms were there to discourage the pickpockets if possible, arrest them if necessary. 7 A double bed with starched white sheets covering a too-soft mattress fills most of the space. 8 The parquet was shined, the table-cloths starched and the waiters had clean shirts. 9 He was dressed in starched jungle fatigues and polished jungle boots. 10 We girls wore starched white aprons and very uncomfortable they were too. 11 Under her starched cap the dyed dry hair was puffed out. 12 They draped the starched white tablecloth over the big deal table. 13 She starched his shirts, shined his shoes, and kept lint off his suits. 14 She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt. 15 The starched napkin hung stiff as a board. 16 I took down the curtains, washed, and starched them. 17 Those cuddly little WACs from Ohio in their starched uniforms. 18 Kathy was there, and Tony Carbo, and a happy-looking assembly of dignitaries in pin-stripes and starched blue shirts. 19 He was as anxious as Betty for Russell to stay in this sunny home with the starched curtains. 20 She had blue eyes and fair hair pulled back under her starched cap. 21 At the door Nurse Lambert stood waiting with a wheelchair - crisp, starched, bright as the April sunlight. 22 His shirt was so white that it must have been starched. 23 It advertised a character of fastidious and correct nature, some one whose collars would be uncomfortably starched. 24 He was dressed in a Victorian morning suit, high starched collar, watered-silk cravat. 25 An older woman whose hair and dress were folded and starched leading a younger woman flushed with inexpert embarrassment. 26 When he was with close friends, he abandoned that somewhat starched public demeanour. 27 Nurse smelt of toothpaste and disinfectant, and crackled when she moved because her clothes were so stiffly starched. 28 The white shirt under the gray suit-jacket is stiffly starched; the tie is held in place by an alumnus tie-tack. 29 Bright blood was splattered across the chest of his starched white shirt as though it had been shaken out of a mop. 30 Beach life at the Royal Palm is epitomised by a waiter, in starched white bermudas, proffering a silver tray with cold towels and fresh pineapple.