快好知 kuaihz

1. She's a very slow eater. 2. She's such a fussy eater. 3. He's a big eater. 4. He's a very picky eater . 5. Mr Su is a dainty eater. 6. Jackie's a terribly faddy eater. 7. I'm not a great meat eater. 8. He eats anything?he's not a fussy eater. 9. I've never been a fussy eater. 10. The phantom cake - eater has been here again! 11. I've never been a big eater. 12. I was a really faddy eater when I was young. 13. Chris is quite a small eater so he won't want much. 14. Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here. 15. While never a big eater, he did snack a lot. 16. Tonya was a finicky eater when she was little. 17. He was a big eater. 18. The garish front of the Pizza Eater blossomed. 19. Some burger bar, the Pizza Eater? 20. She's certainly not a faddy eater! 21. Always check for electrical wires and eater pipes with a pipe and cable detector before drilling walls, floors and ceilings. 22. He was also a noisy eater, as if providing an orchestral accompaniment for his brother. 23. My husband is not a big dessert eater, and the only dessert he will order is a Snickersbar cake. 24. A dedicated bread eater will usually prefer a dense, sour, small, moist, round pumpernickel to a light rye. 25. The child may be a very picky eater; for example, refusing anything but peanut butter sandwiches and macaroni. 26. While never a big eater, he did tend to snack it through the day and night. 27. All discussions of eating disorders focus upon the disorderly eater rather than chaotic food. 28. During the time she was living with the Abramses, Katelyn was happy and a big eater, Carter said. 29. A brief outline will illustrate how the reforms benefit the average eater. 30. Now when I was with Julian, my second husband, I was a great meat eater.