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1. This year's annual excursion will be to Lincoln. 2. The world identifies Lincoln with emancipation. 3. Mr. Lincoln once described this journey to me. 4. We visited the Lincoln Memorial. 5. Lincoln insisted that the slaves should be emancipated. 6. How many Presidents were there before Lincoln? 7. Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin. 8. She claims to be descended from Abraham Lincoln. 9. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 th, 1809. 10. Abraham Lincoln called on his people to fight for freedom for all — Negroes and Whites. 11. Abraham Lincoln campaigned for the abolition of slavery, he succeeded. 12. I had to stay two days in Lincoln International Airport by the worst storm in years. 13. Abraham Lincoln was a fine type of the American patriots. 14. President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. 15. Abraham Lincoln, too, had many well-documented major depressions. 16. Lincoln High has a good music program. 17. The other directors wanted Lincoln to go into receivership. 18. Lincoln tumbled out of the car after me. 19. The farmland clinicians from Lincoln made sure of that. 20. His brother, Herbert Lincoln, became an ophthalmic surgeon. 21. On the tables are busts of Lincoln. 22. Lincoln won on the third ballot. 23. The well-dressed Lincoln navigator of the 1950s. 24. We were both at a Lincoln Center concert. 25. For President Lincoln, the victory had considerable political importance. 26. Lincoln, in turn, ordered a blockade of Southern ports. 27. She made a plaster cast of a bust of Lincoln. 28. At the beginning of the book there's a quotation from Abraham Lincoln. 29. It's the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true. 30. Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.