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domain name造句
1, Register a domain name if you want people to find your website. 2, Is the domain name already registered or still available? 3, Registering an Internet domain name is now an essential part of setting up a company. 4, A simple tactic is domain name registration. 5, Domain name registration for customers seeking to establish a Web address. 6, Think hard about your domain name and make it easy to remember. 7, Verio's new self-serve domain name registration services provide customers with an easy-to-use and faster way to register and manage domain names. 8, Fortunately humans get an easier system to remember-the domain name system that makes up site addresses. 9, The service provider will register the domain name for the customer and act as the customer mail forwarder. 10, What is the Grace period for domain name renewal? 11, IP and domain name administration,[http:///domain name.html] security administration. 12, Domain name format dictionary generator generate passwords. Www. 13, The Hong Lou Meng television international domain name sells! 14, Manually configure the VTP domain name on all devices. 15, Things you should consider when purchasing a domain name. 16, What is your free domain name service? 17, All domain name record will be DELETED. 18, In 1984 the domain name addressing system was introduced. 19, Search engine subscription includes domain name search engine submission. 20, It'separates the user's name from the domain name. 21, Internet security issues include DDOS attacks, domain name hijacking, Trojan program, control of zombie host, webpage defacement and network spoofing. 22, He analyses the domain name that may be government of county of high mountain pool to be embezzled by illegal element, use at spreading bad news. 23, Domain Name System ( DNS ) is the base for many ser - vices on Internet t oday. 24, Its wear pharos annals exclusive forestall domain name runs American government the end of system situation. 25, Finally, if you have a business of your own or some cash to burn, get yourself a good domain name. 26, Initial offerings, available today at www.gateway-hosting.com, include a complete range of web hosting and domain name registration services. 27, Anyone who's serious about their presence on the Web has their own domain name. 28, It was 25 years ago -- March 15, 1985 -- that the first dot-com domain name -- Symbolics.com -- appeared on the Internet, ushering in the commercial age of the World Wide Web. 29, That is to say the characteristic that you need to understand a domain name to invest, cannot rely on oneself appreciation, other flatters phonily or temporarily brains gives out heat will invest. 30, Comparison experiment shows this method can improve the efficiency of domain name recognition obviously.