快好知 kuaihz

(1) Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query. (2) Stella was beginning to feel a little offended. (3) Stella, of all people, is the last one I'd expect to see at the club. (4) Stella had had her hair closely cropped . (5) Stella greeted her mother coolly. (6) Stella had a moment of enlightenment. (7) Stella knew what he meant by 'start again'. (8) I helped her out when Stella became ill. (9) Stella hardly recognized her brother. (10) Stella came thumping down the stairs. (11) Stella is a stylish dresser. (12) Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer. (13) Stella has very kindly offered to help out with the food for the party. (14) Stella felt unnatural in their company, as if she was acting a part. (15) He copied Stella in on the email just to cover his back. (16) I am not afraid, Stella. (17) Stella reappeared with the dark blue passport. (18) Stella lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply. (19) Dotty Blundell had grown especially fond of Stella. (20) Stella, you should sell those damn things. (21) Stella was coughing when the flash bulb went off. (22) This was a smart move, Stella, real smart. (23) Stella Duncan was just plain lost. (24) Stella, you aren't serious about this boy? (25) Wow, this is like totally fucked up, Stella. (26) But Stella, please try to slow down. (27) Stella and Keith moved into a cold, damp flat together. (28) When he passed Stella in the corridor she could smell scented soap. (29) Credit card donations: Back on the ladder Stella Bingham First-timers spot bargains as home market moves at last. (30) Certainly Dotty was less effusive in her thanks when Stella brought her up a tray of tea in the interval.