快好知 kuaihz

1. He was self-important, vain and ignorant. 2. The Government was dominated by self-important eggheads. 3. He was a choleric, self-important little man. 4. They were at an opposite pole from the self-important, vacuous management. 5. Seeing beyond overt status People become self-important to counteract and to attack the fear that they are insignificant. 6. The chief inspector suddenly understood that the historian's self-important but indomitable spirit was housed in a broken body. 7. More self-indulgent self-important twaddle, the product of a rock star who really did believe his own press, his own myth. 8. As a waiter, he had grown to despise self-important customers. 9. He is Patrick Bateman, a smirking, self-important young man working for a Wall Street merchant bank in the 1980s. 10. For some self-important reason, he felt it necessary to examine my action. 11. The history of the world becomes brutally self-important without love. 12. He was one of those self-important little officials who made everyone call him "Sir". 13. Pompously dogmatic or self-important; pretentious. 14. A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person. 15. He carried himself with the same self-important air, took his new state with easy familiarity, and rejoiced in Carrie's proclivities and successes. 16. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around—in the press, at your conferences—what's that got to do with us? 17. Dick is a self-important corporate jackass who misses what is going on around him because he's always in pursuit of an important business deal. 18. Now you know that for one self-important group, it's no longer so. 19. Creative people often appear self-important, hungry for attention, and unconcerned with others' ideas and opinions— all traits narcissists share. 20. Conceited , self-important individuals turn nasty toward those who puncture their bubbles of self-love. 21. People don't get turned on when businesses convey self-important messages. 22. Without the royal family, titles would be just that - forms of address for the self-important to dignify themselves. 23. He had never intended the group to become pop stars - and Rotten's increasingly self-important behaviour was a worry. 24. The other was older, tall as Trollope and had a surly self-important air about her. 25. He was wildly irreverent, too, and loved nothing better than defying rules and deflating self-important petty officials. 26. I like to satirise the people who are pretentious and self-important, who think they're on a higher level than everyone else. 27. Or might the voices warning of genocide have been lost in an Internet cacophony of celebrity news, trivia and self-important shouting? 28. He was a man of a good and kindly nature, a little vain and self-important, but earnest and upright, and possessed of very fair abilities. 29. Each might regard the idea as risible, but their ability to deflate the reputations of self-important politicians and men of business makes classy moralists of them. 30. Finally, there at the arrival gate, appeared a man, tall and big, beaming and buoyant, proud and self-important, just like the past Great Leader.