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31 Dry hops and finings are added to cask conditioned beer. Cold storage and filtration for keg and bottled beers. 32 Elders are not passive objects merely conditioned by stimuli from society or their body. 33 Horses can produce all sorts of conditioned psychological needs, according to how they have been handled by their owners. 34 With air conditioned offices and a very pleasant aspect across open fields. 35 In my experience, those long conditioned by Centralism are the worst offenders. 36 The fourth cause of sleep onset insomnia is a stress-induced response to what is known as conditioned insomnia. 37 They are, no doubt, conditioned by the environment in which they live, they act in a given time and place. 38 But experiments using the conditioned suppression procedure have generated doubts about the generality of this conclusion. 39 In the past, he has been a fundamental coach whose teams were not fancy but very well conditioned and drilled. 40 The reality was the allegiance to Rome of the local aristocracies which in turn conditioned the behaviour of their clients and followers. 41 Nor are they conditioned by upbringing or tradition to protect wildlife. 42 The Captain's Cabin is air conditioned, a blessed relief from the streets of Freetown in September. 43 The female self, under male domination, is riddled through and through with false or conditioned desires. 44 Also, everyone in a centralized organization gets conditioned to standing around and waiting for orders to come from on high. 45 An attractive feature of his branch are the promotional banners waving in the air conditioned breeze. 46 Figure 4.3 includes the test results for a pair of groups given pre-exposure to saccharin before being conditioned and tested with milk. 47 Women have been conditioned to believe that men's work is harder and more stressful than theirs, which is a con. 48 Are we to infer from the texts that the pupils do not understand the differences between inborn and conditioned reflexes? 49 Other conditioned psychological needs can be an extension of a horse's basic requirements, and may be quite destructive to it. 50 It is important to understand that we are breaking a habit, for we have been conditioned to react in this way. 51 He is not only a prisoner but is conditioned to be his own jailer too. 52 The response of the secular rulers depended on a wide variety of factors, but mostly it was conditioned by political considerations. 53 Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream Mother-Goose-world, Alice-in-Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life?Sylvia Plath 54 At the personal level, doctors and their patients become conditioned to particular forms of treatment. 55 It was as independent of will and conscious choice as any other form of socially conditioned conduct. 56 Union attitudes have been powerfully conditioned by long and bitter experience. 57 This is enough in itself to make us want to reject conditioned attention theory as it is presently formulated. 58 Some permanent hooches were air conditioned; they had maid service, with sheets and pillows. 59 Individual response to the altered conditions was, as might be expected, conditioned by conventional morality. 60 The filtered beer is tank conditioned, but the greater part of output has a secondary fermentation in the bottle.