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181 It was conditioned between them that they should marry next May. 182 And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response. 183 Mount Vernon , the home of George Washington, the nation's first president , is air - conditioned , also. 184 Lesions of the caudal ventrolateral PAG can greatly reduce conditioned freezing, whereas lesions of the dorsal aspect can reduce innate defensive behavior, virtually "taming" the animal. 185 The entire process is the revolving cycle of the Twelvefold Conditioned Arising. 186 With most online complaint boards open to almost anyone, users have grown conditioned to think that anyone singing a company's praises must be a paid shill. 187 To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus. 188 By using the receptive relaxation reflex of the stomach as a basis, artificial conditioned reflex has been established with the sound of an electric bell or a metronome as indifferent stimulus. 189 People's experiential reflex towards the nature of space forms a subconscious direction or conditioned reflex by virtue of their own experience. 190 Objective: To reveal the extinction character of ketamine induced conditioned place preference ( CPP ) in rats. 191 Moreover, all interest groups are equal and their behavior is conditioned by competition. Deprival and discrimination only happen in autarchical countries. 192 And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response. 193 The mice learned to associate the tone with the shock and quickly became conditioned to duck down and remain motionless when they heard the tone, in the same way they would if a predator appeared. 194 The work on conditioned reflexes by another Nobel laureate, Ivan Pavlov, has taught bees to respond to more than 60 odours, ranging from methamphetamine to TNT, enriched uranium to tuberculosis. 195 The mist contains sunflower oil, a natural emollient that sinks into your skin and conditioned. 196 Psychology To bring about the extinction of ( a conditioned response ). 197 I'm going into the air - conditioned room to cool off. 198 The participation of migrant workers was conditioned by training costs, time, content, site and other multiple factors. 199 The impairment of learning and memory of lead exposed rats was evaluated by examining the passive avoidance response and conditioned avoidance response. 200 The computational results demonstrate that the partial root root estimator can improve the LS estimator when the design matrix is ill conditioned. 201 Conditioned weight is obtained with the moisture content of the commodity removed by scientific methods and the standardized moisture added. 202 Who are shown in video, have deep love for sports. When sports come across conditioned reflex, Our life will be changed. 203 Objective It is a exploring research on a simple and easy method for establishing the animal model of nictitating membrane conditioned reflex with rabbit. 204 Ill - conditioned problems are widely existed in geodetic surveying. 205 The PSI was conditioned by 2 pairs of major genes with epistatic recessiveness effect and some polygenes. The heritability values of the major genes and polygenes were 50% and 37.5%, respectively. 206 In the 1970s, Todd Hennessey claimed that paramecia, the single-celled pond dweller, could be conditioned in the lab. 207 I can't say it requires any self-discipline to do this every morning because it's a totally conditioned response. 208 AIM: To study the effects of marrow stromal cells conditioned medium (CM) on proliferation and differentiation of PC12 cells, meanwhile whether CM can protect PC12 cell from the damage of rotenone. 209 But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. 210 BDNF in the hippocampus maybe involves in operant conditioned reflex of rats.