快好知 kuaihz

empirical research造句
31. Both effects are demonstrated with the help of empirical research survey. 32. We did an empirical research on tertiary industry development and employment growth of Guangxi according to the co integration theory, using the annual data from 1978 to 2008. 33. Students will be encouraged to develop field or empirical research projects that could be pursued in Spring 2004 as the Faculty Seminar continues, and possibly in a longer-term time frame. 34. In the pre - classical period, economists mainly conducted empirical research on land tax. 35. Besides reclassification of weak form efficient market, the text carries on empirical research about efficiency of our securities market. 36. By means of empirical research, the paper aims to explore the relation between demographic characteristic variable and individual-organization agreement degree. 37. The research took literature and empirical research as the method of combining. 38. In traditional forms of research – empirical research – researchers do research on other people. 39. Empirical research method applied in the field of accounting study has enlivened the academic atmosphere, and enriched the achievements. 40. At last, we make empirical research by the marketing survey, regression analysis, association analysis on the cognitive model above. 41. Empirical research has thus been carried out with related quarterly data from 1994 to 2003 in China with the method of sub-analysis step by step and then syndic analysis. 42. This paper analyzes the conception of theoretical research and empirical research respectively. 43. Based on empirical research, and from the various changes of values, this paper inquires into analyzing the aesthetic meaning of men's leisure wear design. 44. It includes the main conclusions of the empirical research and the standard analysis. 45. Empirical research has thus been carried out with related quarterly data from 1993 to 2005 in China with the method of sub-analysis step by step and then syndic analysis. 46. The empirical research on 1989-2009economic data shows that the inflowing FDI has a significant influence on economic growth during these years. 47. Through empirical research, the paper gets the conclusion that the speculation is a main reason to IPO Under-pricing. 48. But no scholars empirical research on the performance of Agricultural Comprehensive Exploitation except some data statistics. 49. But empirical research is limited to the country's 21 major cities, the sample time span long enough, conclusion of the study the reliability and universal yet to be tested. 50. Over half of the articles ( 52 % ) were empirical research. 51. Choosing the English relative clause as the target structure, the present study does empirical research on effects of output and self-correction on the grammatical accuracy. 52. Moreover , this essay presents empirical research on family consumer behavior in Zhejiang Province of China. 53. Based on a comprehensive literature review and an empirical research, this thesis makes a systematic inspection into the rural tourism development of Qingpu district.