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cesarean section造句
1) In such a case, the cesarean section and the epidural might not have been necessary. 2) Cesarean Section Cesarean delivery is obviously needed in certain situations and has saved many lives. 3) Cesarean section 70 days post-lactation period complex wave normal? 4) Most triplets will be Cesarean section. 5) Cesarean section carries the usual risks of major surgery. 6) The management was a cesarean section followed by chemotherapy. 7) Results The main reason for bleeding of cesarean section followed by uterine atony, placental factors, incision tear, DIC. 8) Patient delivered via primary cesarean section and the histopathology report confirmed our prenatal diagnosis. 9) The ratio of cesarean section birth to dystocia delivery increased year after year,[http:///cesarean section.html] while that of forceps delivery to dystocia delivery decreased. 10) Anyhow, cesarean section does not necessarily less pain than natural childbirth. 11) Conclusion :Hysteromyomectomy in cesarean section was safe for the patients of uterine fibroids with pregnancy if we grasped the indication of hysteromyomectomy in caesarean section. 12) A history of cesarean section was significantly higher than the failure rate of abortion history of natural childbirth. 13) The ratio of cesarean section birth to dystocia delivery increased year by year, with reverse trend of forceps delivery. 14) Lamaze breathing birth; birth pangs; postpartum hemorrhage; asphyxia; cesarean section. 15) Method: Retrospective analysis of cesarean section cases in the past 30 years. 16) Through case analysis early abortion bleeding after cesarean section precautions. 17) Therefore, we have long cast our vote against elective cesarean sections, or any that could possibly be avoided. 18) AIM To observe the best dose of Bupivacaine in lumbar anesthesia for cesarean section. 19) Conclusion: Socialdemological factors, mental stress are mainly influencing factors that affect dysthymia and cesarean section chosen in normal city primipara . 20) Conclusion Single epidural anesthesia is the best method for cesarean section. 21) Conclusion: Gestational diabetes can increase the rate of pregnancy-induced hypertension, polyhydramnios, macrosomia and cesarean section. 22) Conclusion It can significantly reduce the draw reaction that epidural anesthesia with butorphanol coordinated with lidocaine carbonate for cesarean section. And there are no effects for the newborns. 23) Among the 17 cases of bladder injuries, 12 occurred during tubal ligation, 3 during cesarean section, and 2 in myomectomy . 24) Conclusion In order to protect womens health, the indications for cesarean section must be mastered strictly. 25) Results The NST, OCT, S/D ratio in study group were similar with those in control group, but the IUGR rate, meconium rate and cesarean section rate were higher in study group. 26) To investigate the significance about hemostasis of placenta praevia that ligated or non-ligated ascending branches of uterine artery during cesarean section. 27) Objective : To observe the effect of intrathecal morphine injection on postoperative analgesia of cesarean section. 28) Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of uterine serosa and myometrium suturing technique for management of intractable postpartum hemorrhage(PPH) during cesarean section. 29) Objective The efficacy of hetastarch(made in China)pretreatment for prevention of complications(hypotension, et al) in combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia for cesarean section was evaluated. 30) Objective To study the effect of clinical nursing pathway in application for elective cesarean section.