快好知 kuaihz

1. This muscle runs obliquely downwards inside the abdominal cavity. 2. He referred only obliquely to their recent problems. 3. Always cut stems obliquely to enable flowers to absorb more water. 4. He obliquely referred to the US, Britain and Saudi Arabia. 5. The agent counsels them obliquely against waste, repeats the letter of the law, and smiles. 6. He approached such matters slowly, obliquely, over wine and sweetmeats. 7. Accidentally, obliquely, the squadron had found this way of striking back. 8. He was receding obliquely with a curious hurrying gait. 9. Eyes: Obliquely placed in the skull. 10. Faults: Eyes set too obliquely; set too close together. 11. To secure ( beams ) with obliquely driven nails. 12. The eyes are obliquely placed in the skull. 13. An ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely. 14. Bonasera began his request obliquely and cleverly. 15. From the gateway two paths led obliquely across the court. 16. They had approached each other obliquely and addressed each other by implication. 17. Demonstrating value obliquely - winning over her friends, telling cool stories, palm reading, etc. 18. The volume may include a region obliquely oriented relative to the diaphragm to support a low frequency response of the speaker. 19. Obliquely set with moderate spacing between, neither too far apart nor too close. 20. The obliquely inflowing current forms an asymmetric geomorphologic system in the tidal inlet, the tidal deltas are more developed on the east side of inner bay and on the northeast side of outer bay. 20.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 21. From simulation results, the metal block the obliquely incident light efficiently. 22. Although people occasionally discussed questions of local autonomy in private, they rarely raised them, even obliquely, in public. 23. That protecting Union line once broken left my command not only on the right flank but obliquely in rear of it. 24. The Welsh Springer Spaniel gives the impression of length due to obliquely angled forequarters and well developed hindquarters. 25. The scattering form functions of the single shell and double concentric shells insonified by a normally and obliquely incident plane wave are calculated. 26. This paper derived the formulation for the real efficient emission coefficient of secondary electron under the condition that high energy primary electron incident on metal obliquely. 27. Eyes medium size with dark, almond-shaped rims, set somewhat obliquely in skull. 28. Eyes almond shaped, moderately spaced and set a trifle obliquely. 29. The results obtained show that the devices'voltage response figure of merit can be greatly increased by using obliquely cut ATGSP crystals. 30. The stress distribution of the reserved root with different prosthodontic design after hemisection therapy under the vertical loading and obliquely loading was observed.