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1. He suffered serious skeletal injuries in the accident. 2. Passenger services can best be described as skeletal. 3. Skeletal remains of the earliest dinosaurs are rare. 4. She stretched out a skeletal hand. 5. Police discovered the skeletal remains of a corpse buried near the river. 6. He has written only a skeletal plot for the book so far. 7. The newspaper report gave only a skeletal account of the debate. 8. Another possibility is that caffeine affects skeletal muscles indirectly. 9. Daly's skeletal remains were found almost a month later. 10. I touch the skeletal radiator under the window. 11. Her skeletal remains were found then. 12. The stranger was slight of frame, if not skeletal. 13. They were skeletal and covered in mange. 14. Robert Dornan of California run skeletal campaigns, and their staff could not be reached for this story. 15. In a classroom set aside for emergencies, skeletal little children lie on mats. 16. Even a skeletal list of the fundamentally important matters which we thus take for granted would be very long. 17. However, most of these were skeletal structures with very few members. 18. The skeletal parts of hard corals are made of calcium carbonate and if this is in short supply they can suffer. 19. A slender pointed cellular disrupter swung out on skeletal brackets. 20. Fig. 3.4 Skeletal element proportions of bone assemblages from diurnal raptors and mammalian carnivores,[/skeletal.html] as for Fig. 3.2. 21. For example, modular skeletal body sections based on bus technology are under consideration. 22. He ran a skeletal hand over the bristles of his hair. 23. The central exhibit is a bright pink, skeletal temple in which the Prince's central advice to architects is enshrined. 24. Between the fourth and eighth week all the main organs are formed together with the limbs and beginnings of skeletal structure. 25. With wet clothes clinging to her back, she looked skeletal, her shoulder blades poking up like sharp crags. 26. Their properties are in some ways intermediate between those of the skeletal muscles and the smooth muscles found in other phyla. 27. In shallow marine sediments from anywhere on the present Earth one might expect to find the skeletal remains and teeth of sharks. 28. But that, unusual though it was, had been only the outline, the skeletal framework of the man. 29. Here the processes of breakdown are qualitatively similar to those in vertebrate skeletal muscle. 30. The handprints on the walls match the size of hands from skeletal remains of Paleolithic women.