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temporal lobe造句
1. George has tried stimulating the right temporal lobe while showing patients such actors' faces depicting a standard emotion like disgust. 2. Then George applied the stimulating current to the temporal lobe, just below the motor and speech areas. 3. Cortical neurons are often silent-George often sees human temporal lobe neurons that respond at rates slower than once per second. 4. Yet it has many reciprocal connections to the temporal lobe and the parietal lobe, big pipelines through the white matter. 5. The right temporal lobe is particularly interested in the emotional content of the facial expression. 6. The front of the temporal lobe is thought to be involved with storing biographical information and proper names. 7. I notice George lightly touching the temporal lobe[.com], exploring for scar tissue once more. 8. The next Saturday, there was another temporal lobe contusion patient. 9. Automatisms can originate from almost anywhere in the temporal lobe, but seldom from any other part of the brain. 10. The blood flow to the tip of the temporal lobe does increase in studies of anticipatory anxiety. 11. Some changes in temporal lobe function may be more permanent. 12. I can hardly wait to hear about left temporal lobe epileptics. 13. The tentative diagnosis was temporal lobe epilepsy which affected his personality. 14. The temporal lobe was severely damaged. 15. Anatomic lesions in KBS involve the bilateral temporal lobe. 16. Are you talking about the left temporal lobe? 17. It's also common among people with temporal lobe epilepsy. 18. Might he have temporal lobe epilepsy? 19. Maybe only several dozen, judging from some of the work on temporal lobe neurons involved in face recognition. 20. Nearly two-thirds of the neurons recorded from the human temporal lobe seemed to be interested in faces. 21. Much less severe memory deficits are sometimes seen after removal of the temporal lobe on only one side. 22. The patient performed the tests with no other comment-until the temporal lobe site was stimulated again without warning. 23. It all centres around a part of the brain called the medial temporal lobe. 24. George once had a patient who heard Led Zeppelin music each time a particular temporal lobe site was stimulated. 25. Sometimes the hallucinations associated with small seizures in the temporal lobe have characteristics suggestive of schizophrenic thought, especially paranoia. 26. All the phenomena to be described under the section Complex Partial Seizures strongly suggest a temporal lobe origin. 27. Objective: To analyze the clinical features and surgical role of low-grade gliomas of mesial temporal lobe. 28. MRI showed that the most important pathological festures of TOB was infection included , midbrain , thalami, cerebellum, occipital lobe, temporal lobe. 29. The affection of emotional arousal to amygdale, and the interaction among amygdale, medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex were specially emphasized. 30. Moderate-sized labelling cells were found mostly in different areas of the opposite temporal lobe and the small cells were the second in mount and the large cells were the least.