快好知 kuaihz

1 This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence. 2 The blessing was said in Hebrew. 3 Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages. 4 He is a fluent speaker of Hebrew. 5 The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth. 6 He studied hard at the Epistle to the Hebrews. 7 BRUHche n. From the Hebrew, meaning benediction, blessing. 8 I had begun writing in Hebrew, then changed over to Yiddish. 9 All other students take a course in advanced texts from the Hebrew Bible. 10 The story of the Hebrews is of a nomadic tribal people who settled the Holy Land - a depopulated fertile agricultural area. 11 The Hebrew school was going to cost over $ 18o, 000. 12 Also the title of a lively Hebrew song popular during the celebration of Passover. 13 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion. 14 This was one of the great Hebrew festivals and involved a sacrifice of two heifers, one ram and seven one-year-old lambs. 15 The absence of Hebrew graffiti at Abu Simbel is perhaps not sufficient to throw doubt upon Aristeas. 16 The kibbutz, the Hebrew name for a collective settlement, has also proved to be a firm short-term favourite among travellers. 17 A young fellow strummed on a mandolin and a woman sang a Hebrew song. 18 There are some who call Yiddish a dead language,[www.] but so was Hebrew called for two thousand years. 19 This is confusing to people who think Hebrew and Yiddish are the same. 20 Passover was the day the Hebrews left Egypt. 21 The Hebrews learned how to live together from the teachings of the Torah, which underscore many of our current Judeo-Christian cultural norms. 22 Hebrews is a masterful document written to demonstrate the exclusiveness and superiority of the new covenant. 23 And some of the Hebrews went over Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead. 24 On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered as atonement for the sins of the Hebrews. 25 After that, the Old Testament is exclusively a chronicle of the Hebrews. 26 Yet by many measures it remains as richly endowed as in ancient times, when the Hebrews pined for its fleshpots and Herodotus dubbed it the gift of the Nile. 27 He divided the Pauline epistles (in which he included the Epistle to the Hebrews) into a series of texts on the theological points and wrote an introduction to each. 28 With the reign of Ring Solomon the brief glory of the Hebrews ends. 29 Jacob in Hebrew means: the supplanter, then after an encounter with God, his name was then changed to Israel in Hebrews means: the Prince of God. 30 God also commissioned him to go to Egypt and deliver his fellow Hebrews from their bondage.