快好知 kuaihz

1) The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort. 2) The Sioux Indians placed a high value on generosity. 3) The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights. 4) The sound of Sioux is soft and rippling, like something you might hear through a bead curtain. 5) Sioux medicine men collected tiny, glistening pebbles from anthills and used them in medicine rattles. 6) The authors seemed puzzled that so few Sioux were interested in raising sugar beets or working in a house-trailer factory. 7) The Sioux might eat a dead horse, but would never kill one for food. 8) The Sioux boiled buffalo meat with heated rocks in a buffalo paunch, then ate the paunch, too. 9) After a couple of months, the Sioux turned around and came back west without permission. 10) The Sioux disinfected the navels of newborn babies with the powder from a puffball. 11) At the beginning, the Sioux forced him to flee Chequamegon Bay. 12) Dances with Wolves was so biased towards the Sioux that the Crow Nation publicly called it racist. 13) The Sioux chief is a very wise man. 14) Sioux Falls South Dakota region. 15) I got me a cousin in Sioux Falls. 16) We flew to Sioux Falls and arrived at noon. 17) He had dropped Laura off in South Sioux City, and now he had no idea where she was. 18) In the Midwest, Morningside College Sioux City, Iowa, has more than one thousand students. 19) As the Sioux leader Red Cloud said, famously, "They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one: they promised to take our land and they took it." 20) The war ended and peace came to Sioux and the Cheyenne. 21) French-Canadian fur trappers and Sioux disparaged such country as "bad lands. " The term now loosely defines any hilly terrain that is severely eroded into a forbidding landscape. 22) Sioux Falls-based POET, a leading producer of ethanol, has been producing cellulosic ethanol at a pilot plant near Scotland, S. 23) She was born in Sioux City on July fourth, nineteen eighteen. Her parents named her Esther Pauline Friedman. 24) I had just been reading a study of recent economic conditions on Sioux reservations. 25) She came across the fact that Abraham Lincoln had, in 1862, ordered the mass execution of thirty-eight Sioux. 26) He can even recite a prayer in the language of the Sioux, albeit with a Wiltshire accent. 27) I told him that I hoped someday to learn how to speak Sioux. 28) My early years were spent in Akron (Iowa), a small midwestern town of 1000 people, approximately 35 miles from Sioux City. 29) Rising gasoline prices have already led Jayme Webb, an office manager at a recycling center in Sioux City, Iowa, and her husband, Ken, who works at Wal-Mart, to cut back on spending. 30) American Sauk leader who aided the United States in the Black Hawk War(1832) and negotiated peace between his people and the Sioux(1837).