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brand name造句
61. Core identification, a concept in the management of brand names, is the core part of brand name identification and Key words in expressing the particular features and core values of a brand name. 62. We have found your brand name is the same as ours through preliminary examination. 63. Mao's team wanted to find a way to monitor patients taking a drug -- the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib, sold by Pfizer under the brand name Celebrex -- in the hopes of preventing lung cancer. 64. Own brand name retail shop and Whole Sale Agency in chengdu, kunming, chongqing, and zhengzhou. 65. Among the principles, the best one for the translation of the brand name is considered to be Nada's Principle of Equivalence. 66. Normally, specialty goods have a brand name or other distinguishing characteristics. 67. Brand name Amaryl ; an oral medicine used to treat type 2 diabetes. 68. Be frugal. Stop buying brand name clothes and fancy foods. Stop drinking lattes. Don't takeout. 69. S . under the brand name Depakote, had previously been linked to birth defects, particularly spina bifida. 70. Cost to private label the dialer with your brand name and logo is $ 250. 71. For the particular protection for the well-known brand, it is tortious if the domain name or its main part are copied, imitated, translated or transliterated from other well-known brand name. 72. More importantly, as an independent patent holder rather than a mere technology provider, our brand name now means something in the world market. 73. Now, scientists have done a study looking at five different ways to quit smoking, including different types of nicotine replacement therapy products, and the drug bupropion (brand name Zyban). 74. But a Chinese company exporting under its own brand name is. 75. A club must provide the letter of authorization from the two Major sponsors to prove the club is endorsed to use the brand name(s) and the trademark(s). 76. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration, which licences medicines, issued a warning in 2005 and changed the status of Seroxat, which is sold there under the brand name Paxil. 77. Metoclopramide is already used to treat severe morning sickness in the United States, where it is commonly sold under the brand name Reglan. 78. In addition, the medicines bupropion (brand name Zyban) and varenicline (Champix) work on your brain chemistry to reduce cravings for nicotine. 79. Some common medications include metformin, which is available generically and also known by the Bristol-Myers Squibb brand name Glucophage. 80. The linguistic analysis mainly includes phonological analysis, morphological analysis, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, brand name linguistic characteristics. 81. The Government is considering going even further and legislating that all packaging must be plain white, with only the brand name and the warnings. 82. Bright, clean and tidy shopfront image with product and company introduction is really the pleasant selling place for brand name products. 83. Daniel, would you mind telling me the brand name for the mint candy you often chew during your simultaneous interpretation?