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surplus value造句
31, The Historic View of Materialism and the Theory of Surplus Value , which are objective rules of history, were the fruits of the study of Marx which was based on Practice. 32, The theory of average profit and production price is an important component part of Marxs economic theory; and it is the foundation of Marxs theory of surplus value. 33, Now we all know (that) capitalists brought in large quantities of wealth by taking possession of the surplus value. 34, At the beginning, this paper introduces the concept and characteristics of producer services. Then, analyze the process of value formation and value-added based on theory of surplus value. 35, The Theory of Surplus Value itself was the result of unification of "abstractively thinking" and experiencingly study. 36, During its historical development surplus value has the direct manifestation as absolute surplus value, relative surplus value, and basic surplus value adopts in succession. 37, Ground rent comes from the extra profit in agriculture and is one form of the divided surplus value. 38, Basing on scientific labor axiology, Marx founded the theory of surplus value, which opens out inherent contradiction and movement regularity of capitalistic manufacture mode. 39, The theory of surplus value is the footstone of Marxist theory of economics. 40, It is a part of Marxian Labor Theory that labor, including intellectual labor, creates surplus value,[/surplus value.html] and so the intellectual capital owner is entitled to have a dividend of enterprise net surplus. 41, Mr. He added that the theory of surplus value -- while a potentially dry issue -- can be presented as "fun to watch. 42, It is differentiated from absolute surplus value and relative surplus value in quality and quantity and in its historical formation, this makes itself be of the category of Comparative Economy. 43, The fourth part emphasizes the two major pillars of Marx's science communism: historical materialism and the theory of surplus value. 44, Surplus value theory is the cornerstone of Marx economy theory. 45, Introduces the transforms form the surplus value to the profit, determination and formation of average rate of profit as well as.