快好知 kuaihz

straighten out造句
1. He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things. 2. I subvert the entire world, only to straighten out your reflection. 3. I was left to straighten out the mess. 4. I need time to straighten out my finances. 5. Could you straighten out these cupboards, please? 6. Let's try to straighten out this confusion. 7. He's trying to straighten out his finances. 8. We had our own personality question to straighten out. 9. Mason is going to help me straighten out my finances. 10. Then you have to stand there trying to straighten out the wrinkled piece of money. 11. He tried to straighten out the brim but it had been curled and folded so often it was beyond repair. 12. My aim in this chapter will be to straighten out the rhetorical mess. 13. First of all, we should straighten out their thinking. 14. We must straighten out our thinking on this issue. 15. These probloms will straighten out in time. 16. Let's straighten out their strained relations. 17. You should straighten out your confused thinking. 18. I've made up my mind to straighten out a very complicated subject. 19. They decided to sit down and straighten out their differences. 20. Your line should for a loop and then straighten out before laying on the water. 21. To prepare take note, straighten out, print and distribute the department meeting. 22. He did not know how to straighten out this mess. 23. However, the path is going to straighten out, and your final period on Earth will be smooth and exhilarating. 24. We must straighten out our accounts and see how much we owe each other. 25. To straighten out, take note, keep, report the employee attendance. 26. But he doesn't review them, he doesn't try to straighten out the sheets yet again - not now anyway. 27. Of course, to rectify the economic order, we must straighten out the price system. 28. Therefore, a deep discussion must be carried on how to strengthen our consciousness, straighten out the relationship, improve the quality, the way of reform, and invigoration. 29. He only went down to the Kuomintang office to straighten out the question of our creditors. 30. " You mustn't feel bad, " he said, kindly; " things will straighten out in the course of time. "