快好知 kuaihz

91. I wake suddenly in the night, aware of the others breathing and the wind banging the tent fabric. 92. But quickly he began banging his blocks like cymbals and lifting his knees in a proud, parade-master fashion. 93. Sills testified he heard some one banging on his back door and he found the three brothers had let themselves into the kitchen. 94. Although two points clear of the pack, the writing is on the wall for Aberdeen unless some one starts banging goals away. 95. Frustrations ran high, with fans and journalists banging on windows and excitedly complaining to transportation volunteers during the busing debacle. 96. Banging sounds emanating from the boiler may be due to a build-up of scale or to air being drawn into the system. 97. He kept banging this other face into the rim of the bucket. 98. Pressed against the radiator, he eyed a man banging his forehead against the rim of his empty glass. 99. Some of the crowd were very aggressive, shouting and banging on windows. 100. The man had his fingers around the woman's throat and was banging her head against the back of the seat. 101. About six months after Mr Reynolds' first premonition, he experienced unexplained noises, mainly thumping and banging. 102. The large wooden door swung on its hinges, banging into the wall, cracking the plastered stone. 103. There was much gesticulating, Teodor banging the table, his thigh, his friends' thighs, throwing wide his arms. 104. After four hours of banging rave tunes and a whole consignment of illegal drugs, they're in the mood to party. 105. I won't go banging on about the open fireplace again, but to my mind that was certainly one of them. 106. At one point, half the company are banging rhythmically on a table like kids at a tea party. 107. The porch door rattled as though some one were banging their fists against it. 108. Then she realised the regular banging noise was some one knocking. 109. They are reinforced by beaters on foot banging drums and gongs. 110. The pop music had been turned up quite loud now, and they were all hammering and banging away. 111. The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly. 112. Start banging on the ceiling every time he took out his biro? 113. The sharp sound of Sister Mary's hand banging down on the square of writing paper stopped the chanting. 114. Since then, excited activists have been roaming the streets, banging drums and chanting. 115. Within an hour the permanent secretary was banging away on his typewriter to prepare Alexi's forms. 116. He heard Murtach shouting, some one banging on timber frantically. 117. Came like a sudden gust of wind, banging doors in him, shaking him to his foundations. 118. Then Rose made a grab for Evelyn's hair and started banging her head against the floor with both hands. 119. On the other hand, banging out a press release and sending it to absolutely everyone is a waste of time. 120. The hollow sounds of doors banging and footsteps receding echoed in her ears as she stepped inside the sparsely furnished room.