快好知 kuaihz

1. He squared off the log to make a timber. 2. Too many people were squared into the train. 3. I squared up with the cashier. 4. The two boxers squared away. 5. The players squared up to each other and started shouting. 6. Pulling himself upright, he squared his shoulders. 7. They squared a block of granite. 8. His goal squared the game 11. 9. Get your work squared away before you leave. 10. 10 squared equals a hundred. 11. This victory has squared the series. 12. Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists. 13. He got everything squared away to Europe. 14. The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch. 15. He squared away to a spanking wind. 16. He has been squared to say nothing. 17. I thought she squared up to the situation admirably. 18. The two lads squared up to each other. 19. The living room was squared away for the guests. 20. Diane squared up to him defiantly. 21. He has been squared to hold his tongue. 22. 42 means four squared, and equals 16. 23. Three squared is written 3. 24. A squared plus B squared equals C squared. 25. They squared up and began to engage a probing attack. 26. "Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time. 27. He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow. 28. She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker. 29. The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back. 30. All the officials had to be squared before they would help us.