快好知 kuaihz

181. He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis. 182. James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money. 183. The speech was as poetically written as any he'd ever heard. 184. Perhaps he'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river. 185. I wish he'd hurry up and make his mind up. 186. Just to turn the knife a little, he told me he'd seen my old girlfriend with her new man. 187. It made him squirm to think how he'd messed up the interview. 188. I had to be cruel to be kind and warn him that he'd lose his job if he didn't improve his performance. 189. His landing was awkward, but it was only the second time he'd flown solo. 190. He'd a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn't seen her before. 191. He thought he'd never get through the ordeal without cracking up. 192. Having lost his job, he'd begun to interest himself in local voluntary work. 193. He sounded tetchy when I asked him where he'd been. 194. The decision had taken about 10 seconds once he'd read a market research study. 195. He said he'd call again, and hung up on me. 196. You'd think he'd have the common decency to apologize for what he said. 197. He'd written a tune, and played it to us on the piano. 198. I wish he'd stick to the subject rather than telling us his boring stories. 199. I was absolutely amazed when I heard he'd been promoted. 200. He'd placed his notes in the brown envelope. They hadn't been disturbed. 201. He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type". 202. He'd tried to put one over on the tax office and got found out. 203. Leonard was shaken to the core; he'd never seen or read anything like it. 204. The gaffer said he'd been fined for not doing the contract on time. 205. He'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure. 206. Costello later apologized, saying he'd been annoyed by the man. 207. He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids. 208. He bamboozled me into believing that he'd lost all his money. 209. I asked the waiter if he'd mind taking our picture. 210. He'd pulled away from her as if she had leprosy.