快好知 kuaihz

211. I knew he'd be able to take care of himself, come what may . 212. I was speechless, still trying to assimilate the enormity of what he'd told me. 213. Tim had a nasty bump on his head from when he'd fallen over. 214. Another scalper said he'd charge $1000 for a $125 ticket. 215. He'd been speculating in shares and lost a lot of money. 216. He'd spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains. 217. At other times, he'd force her to walk totally unassisted. 218. He's a real goody two - shoes . He'd never do anything that might get him into trouble. 219. I think we all felt he'd been treated very unfairly and it left a bad taste in our mouths. 220. I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers. 221. I said he'd have to give a talk and he laughed nervously. 222. He answered in such an offhand manner that I wondered if he'd misheard me. 223. He looked so terrified that I thought he'd seen a ghost. 224. He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard. 225. The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble. 226. He strung her along for years, saying he'd marry her and divorce his wife. 227. He'd be a better hitter if he could learn to pull. 228. The furniture was threadbare; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing. 229. Lately he'd been making mistakes; his nerve was beginning to go. 230. Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed his book? 231. Love was a word he'd erased from his vocabulary since Susan's going. 232. He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire. 233. He'd been shooting heroin. 234. He'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw's plays. 235. He went home with a girl he'd picked up at a party. 236. The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy. 237. She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking. 238. Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he'd been taken captive. 239. He knew he'd done something wrong and hung his head in shame. 240. He'd had a role in one or two forgettable movies.