快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. This rope has loosened up. 2. He loosened tie and lay in bed. 3. The rope holding the boat loosened. 4. He loosened up under the liquor. 5. Wine soon loosened his tongue. 6. When his grip loosened she eased herself away. 7. Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free. 8. The wine had loosened his tongue. 9. The dictator's grip on the country has not loosened. 10. He loosened his grip and let her go. 11. I think people have loosened up their standards. 12. He loosened his collar of his overcoat. 13. She loosened up after she'd had a drink. 14. He loosened his grip on David's arm. 15. A bottle of wine had loosened Harry's tongue. 16. The wine had certainly loosened her tongue. 17. The runners loosened up before the half-mile race. 18. He loosened his collar and tie . 19. The screws holding the bed together had loosened. 20. The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened. 21. His striped tie was loosened at his throat. 22. The party has loosened its links with trade unions. 23. The new policies loosened up foreign trade. 24. Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration. 25. He has loosened the soil up with a fork. 26. Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie. 28. After the death of his stingy wife, Edward loosened up a great deal. 29. He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up. 30. He held my hand very tightly at first but gradually his grip loosened.