快好知 kuaihz

31. The concept of relative word frequency ( RWF ) is presented for evaluating the strength of word collocation. 32. Firstly, the structure and grammatical nature of the attribute and headword phrase of the transnormal collocation are analyzed. 33. Bright yellow and blue-black collocation, make a space comparative and intense, generation diffuses feeling and regressive sex, also be to settle one of way of congested of small family vision. 34. Anomalous collocation results when two semantic primitives which are incompatible are combined in a syntagmatic structure. 35. In the present paper the convergence and validity of the results of boundary collocation procedure are studied by considering function approximation. 36. Because of a - long - term planned economy, our companies are inefficient in resources collocation. 37. Mesa of the basin that wash a face uses the woodiness data of deep coffee, it is the collocation with the tonal and superexcellent whole that stresses natural feeling. 38. Bull-puncher knickers and condole take collocation to give heating power 4 ejaculation sex appeal. 39. Collocation is an important part of the study of semantics. 40. In order to provide scientific foundation for optimal program of combat aircraft of Air Force, the optimized collocation for combat aircraft in the air-to-air confrontment was studied. 41. Orthogonal - collocation method can be used for the numerical solution of boundary - problems in differential equations. 42. Merger and acquisition of companies, as one of the important forms of capital collocation, is also an important measure in realizing capital element circulation and adjustment of industry structure. 43. Principle 5: Without extremely color and color are tie - in, black, white, gold, silver-colored , ash is called to not have extremely lubricious, they can undertake collocation with any color. 44. The collocation degree sequence is adopted to indicate the different item pairing types. 45. With boundary collocation method, the K_1 of three-point bend specimens are calculated. 46. Semantic prosody and semantic preference are two related but distinguished concepts in the study of collocation. 47. In this paper, boundary collocation method is used to calculate stress intensity factors of an eccentric crack in an elliptical disc subjected to a uniform tension stress. 48. In addition, by using the hole edges conditions, the relationship between undefined coefficients is set up, to reduce the number of those coefficients, and only the boundary collocation is needed. 49. White dress and glaucous department collocation are together, very relaxed and delightful, taking the breath with Mediterranean summer, it is to let person mind do it a of hearten makeup look. 50. According to their categorization (1976, 1985), lexical cohesion is composed of reiteration, synonymy, hyponymy and collocation, etc. 51. This article Approaches problems including the design of colour collocation, the conformity between media and content, and the unity of stye and distribution, etc. 52. The final aim of international logistics park inner and exterior systematism is to optimize the resource collocation. 53. Same babushka collocation is very appropriate, nevertheless, cowboy hat and jerkin, deduce mix the amorous feelings that build likewise wonderful. 54. We must distinguish between a record type and a instance of the data-item types and record types stored in a database the term subschema refers to an collocation programmer's vies of the data he uses. 55. Egg the skin makes Xiaochan chair, be permeated with thick exoticism, the collocation that lets the space that occupy the home does not have amorous feelings one time. 56. The company pursue science collocation and well production,[http://] to meet the ever - increasing customer needs. 57. Tie-in proposal: Trousers of recreational coat collocation, inside can fold wear many, match chatelaine and wrist simply to act the role of. 58. Tourism externality would lead to the low efficient collocation of social resources. 59. Grammatical cohesion includes reference, ellipsis, substitution and conjunction and lexical cohesion refers to reiteration and collocation. 60. Then the linguistic heuristic rule is integrated to identify the border of collections, by part-of-speech filter and sliding window. Finally, an approach of collocation extraction is formulated.