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higher education造句
151. President Clinton is asking Congress to increase federal aid to higher education by more than 50 percent by the year 2002. 152. Fourth thesis: Higher education is open whereas research is closed Research is highly specific. 153. In fact there are some nice examples of mixes of higher education and new technology thriving in sharply defined cultural niches. 154. I think you should admit that the government's plans for higher education are now dead in the water. 155. Edinburgh's integrated approach to teaching, research and institutional behaviour on environmental matters leads the way for others in higher education. 156. Shortage of money was not the only impediment to higher education. 157. An alternative way of looking at higher education is to see it as a continuing process in the reproduction of gender relations. 158. This is the main impetus behind the expansion of further and higher education in the past dozen years. 159. In both these areas of higher education women have always outnumbered men. 160. Ball argues that the main engine in the shaping of higher education should be informed student demand, not manpower planning. 161. All this is desirable and, indeed, essential; but higher education can not rest there. 162. More than eighty higher education institutions now participate in this scheme. 163. It is iniquitous that higher education still discriminates against state school children. 164. In other words, the pretence that research and higher education are inseparable results in driving out higher education. 165. Higher education was reinforcing likely outcomes instead of altering them. 166. Introduce a tax to repay the costs of higher education for those who take courses. 5. 167. There are tendencies towards closure, partiality and sheer irrationality in society, and these admittedly affect higher education. 168. More young black men are now in the penal system than in higher education. 169. We are putting in place new mechanisms to ensure that academic standards are maintained in higher education. 170. Mr. Howarth Our policy is to promote wider participation and more opportunity in higher education. 171. I want to develop the stronger thesis that criticism is the essence of higher education. 172. What is so special about higher education as opposed to any other part of the educational system? 173. The breakdown in inhibitions may be moving up the status hierarchy in higher education. 174. How can we justify our practices, our structures of knowledge(Sentence dictionary), and our interactions in higher education as manifestations of reason? 175. Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs. 176. The values or ends for which higher education stands are seldom raised as a serious matter for discussion. 177. Equally they can provide a route to University or other Higher Education. 178. President Clinton has been able to include in the forecast his proposed spending for Head Start and tax benefits for higher education. 179. What, though, are the connections between criticism and this sense of intellectual freedom embedded in higher education? 180. Without a student grant, I'd never even have gone into higher education.