快好知 kuaihz

31. Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally. 32. My father was ill and had to send his regrets. 33. Five years later she regrets having given up her home. 34. Mrs. Gottlieb presents her apologies and regrets she will not be able to attend. 35. On reflection, he says, he very much regrets the comments. 36. We did have an invitation, but we had to send Graham our regrets. 37. Henry sends his regrets - he has the flu. 38. But their parents have no regrets. 39. It's no use having regrets. You can't go back! 40. I have no regrets, none whatsoever. 41. Because we don't want you to have any regrets. 42. I knew that if I didn't make a clean break with Victor I should be filled with regrets for the rest of my life. 43. The management regrets to inform you that your contract will not be renewed next month. 44. This is a very fine work and one regrets that, in later life,[http:///regrets.html] he relinquished the oil medium. 45. Dave Devine, the author of the article, regrets this misunderstanding. 46. But I've no regrets - I don't really want to own a car. 47. Foolishly the deejay opted for cash, a one-time deal he still regrets. 48. There's another kind of breadwinner - women on their own with no regrets. 49. Fond as he is of his inactive comforts, he regrets all marriages as breaking up happy families. 50. Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.Leonardo da Vinci 51. Neither Bradford nor Birmingham regrets entering the tourist trade - the industry waits with bated breath to see how Swindon fares. 52. Nothing lasts forever, so live it up; drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit. Take chances and never have regrets because, at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.Marilyn Monroe 53. Mr Casey regrets that he will have to decline your kind invitation owing to a prior engagement. 54. I know you don't have regrets because that's not your style. 55. This means that any of those experiments in plant association which prove to be unsuccessful can be scrapped without too many regrets. 56. Meys he regrets getting caught up in the drug scene. 57. When orders came to a new appointment there were regrets all round. 58. There would be sighs of disappointment at suppertime, and a chorus of polite regrets. 59. His regrets, his apology, his talk of giving up business and his painful honesty had all been faked. 60. Lesley regrets that she can not enter into any direct correspondence with readers.