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61. It read: The Governor deeply regrets you were inconvenienced by Mr Dach, a member of his advance team. 62. I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence.John Lennon 63. The counsellor must also recognize that in returning to past experiences, there will be regrets and disappointments as well as joys and successes. 64. I am a shy person and I actually get embarrassed when people compliment me for my looks. But when I think about it later, I feel good. I don't have any regrets in my life. I am happy with whatever God has given me be it personally or professionally. I get up early in the morning and do yoga to stay fit. I don't go to gym and all.Dharminder 65. It is rich with human relationships, regrets, fantasies and dreams. 66. Regrets are about decisions that you know you should have done different.Laurell K. Hamilton 67. At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.Steve Maraboli 68. There were secret caches, secret trails, secret codes, secret missions, secret terrors and appetites and longings and regrets. 69. Do you have any regrets about a relationship that recently ended? 70. I finally moved in just before Christmas 1988 and, like Edith Piaf, I have no regrets. 71. I have no regrets about the divorce - except that it didn't happen sooner. 72. The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity.Helen Rowland 73. But there were neither apologies nor regrets, and the air rang to the sound of hundreds of cheers. 74. But no one who has participated in one of these adventures in creativity and community seems to have any real regrets. 75. Later, I stole a car, and I had no regrets. 76. Theobald regrets the fashion of representing crimes on the stage perpetrated by villains with whom one can have no sympathy. 77. He asked me to find you and to offer you his apologies and regrets. 78. He communicates less and less with his wife, who now deeply regrets the entire affair. 79. It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.Margaret Mead 80. Some cloners think Sun regrets making previous Sparcstations too easy to knock off so it's putting some obstacles in the way. 81. Their conversation soon turned to shared regrets about the large amount of money being squandered on environmental programs without commensurate result. 82. Both Mark and Tracy sacrificed professional status and money for time; neither regrets it. 83. Welcome to the sorry state of the apology, when regrets seem to come most readily when they matter the least. 84. No regrets, no hesitation; there were no false moves left in me. 85. It was a story of memories and regrets and resolutions; a story of fathers and sons trying to talk together. 86. She regrets she is so much in the way of the young people, who really should have some time to themselves. 87. I think she regrets now that she never went to college. 88. If Fred regrets offering his old car to Brian, can he withdraw his offer? 89. And no, there were never any regrets; the Princess had found her palace in Vetch Street. 90. She regrets the error, and, incidentally, is still looking for the man of her dreams.