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1. Now and than a magpie would call. 2. This young man is really a magpie. 3. One of these birds is depicted as a magpie. 4. Up in a nearby tree a magpie chattered at her. 5. A magpie overhead, its long tail black and belly white. 6. Yet, because of its magpie genesis, the new Look was vulnerable to the sharp-eyed but short of cash. 7. They've all read the Magpie column but arrive at differing conclusions. 8. As a result, the magpie population dropped dramatically: in one village, from 259 birds to just 77. 9. Her fa-ther stood up, and the magpie, delighted, flew round and round with a marvelous clatter. 10. Not that I would suggest reviving Magpie, nor even another favourite of my youth, the Saturday morning show Tiswas. 11. One old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully. 12. The moon magpie, wind, not in packaging. 13. A magpie rests on the power line. 14. There is a magpie on the tree. 15. As the author points out, Hitler a magpie mind. 16. This is a magpie and that's a nightingale. 17. The magpie is lucky bird therefore also by intention. 18. A magpie was screeching and I said: Magpiety? 19. Jesse: Mum. Look. There's a magpie. 20. Magpie, the implication is happy, always very popular. 21. Mother: Oh, yes. Good morning, Mr. Magpie. 22. Now and then a magpie would call. 23. Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen. 24. As they reached the edge of the clearing Philip saw the dead magpie. 25. Then one day he heard the birds making a frightful racket and this huge magpie flew out of the tree. 26. Kevin went up the back stairs, Mary chattering like a magpie. 27. Mrs Wright waved her gun at him and Caspar charged past her, picked up the dead magpie and disappeared. 28. In his strange black and white clothing he looked like a human magpie himself. 29. The results showed that the dominant kind of destructive birds in Beijing were Black-billed Magpie, Azure-winged Magpie and Tree Sparrow. 30. The other nominees are the California Condor, the Yellow-billed Magpie, Western Snowy Plover...