快好知 kuaihz

move in造句
(61) It would be wrong not to move in that direction. (62) When you move in, you must move in fast - really fast. (63) ACCORDING to acquaintances who move in the twilight world of Private Eye, the satirical magazine is hoping for a Conservative victory. (64) This is a strategically important move in the development of our online business in the teenage market. (65) People were making a move in the direction of the dining room. (66) This will help you to move in an easier way, putting less strain on your whole structure. (67) In the ensuing silence she could have heard a flea move in the rushes on the floor. (68) The rate payable on the loan will move in line with interest rates. (69) Our biggest problem was finding somebody willing to move in. (70) Within some relationships, the two partners can begin to move in opposite directions. (71) A first move in such cases is to establish which alternative uses will be acceptable to the local planning authority. (72) But the estate agent had now found a buyer, one who was eager to move in as soon as possible. (73) Having met him, Miles made him an offer, a directorship of the company, and Indica to move in. (74) Bilateral animals move in a constant direction in such a way that one end is the front and the other the back. (75) Yields on bonds move in an opposite direction from prices. (76) Not being able to fall asleep and not allowing oneself to move in the marital bed. (77) Once the Mob has moved it may still move in the movement phase, shoot and fight just as normal. (78) If she had slept with him, he had meant, and agreed to move in with him as he had wanted. (79) He announced he was considering the move in September and yesterday confirmed the details. (80) But you've got a few months left, enough time for a very shrewd operator to move in. (81) They made no formal arrangements, but he wanted her to move in with him. (82) More rabbits are likely to move in, more rabbits are bred and no area stays denuded for very long. (83) Rory could hear the stamping, slapping feet move in time to the fiddles and accordions as they played a jig. (84) Her relationship with her boyfriend had lasted six years, but she was unsure whether to move in with him. (85) They were just physically impossible to move in and out of the studios. (86) It is a standard move in liberal studies to find religious analogues to nonreligious behaviors, structures, and institutions. (87) One false move in the conduct of the attack will spell certain doom for White. (88) So Jancey's half-dozen were ready for a punch-up: element of surprise, weight of numbers, move in fast. (89) Once again, Bibby could be on the move in March. (90) Sympathetic murmurs greet this delicate reference to her own spinsterhood, and the hunters then move in for the kill.