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move in造句
(211) Learn the back click move in Irish step dancing in this free intermediate dance lesson on video. (212) Isaac Newton later discovered that comets move in elliptical, oval-shaped orbits around the Sun, and correctly predicted that they could return again and again. (213) The gang has decided to move in on the taxi business. (214) There is a unique chess rule which involves a special move in chess that many casual players are not aware of, the rule is called "en passant". (215) The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards. (216) If you're looking for entertainment value -- especially if you're a masochist -- then by all means hang on every move in stock prices. (217) In a country neighbourhood you move in a very confined and unvarying society. (218) Block tectonics implies that blocks of the solid earth move in relation to each other. (219) For attractive, ample storage, move out a headboard and night tables and move in a combination of stock cabinets and open shelving units. (220) That means that "an abrupt move in the currency market is still likely to trigger hedge selling orders from dealers which manage options, and accelerate swings in the spot," said Tsuboi. (221) We started with the idea you needed to appeal to souls in order to roughly explain why human bodies move, why we're animated or why we move in nonrandom ways. (222) Generally any motive machine and freight car is prohibited to move in exhibition hall. (223) I ask you to move in with me, and you turn around, and you cheat on me? (224) That may importune the administration to act, but if they don't, there's a strong move in Congress to do so. (225) Count Orlov-Denisov fancied, and his adjutant, who was extremely long-sighted; confirmed the idea, that they were beginning to move in the French camp. (226) Taking the chance Cao Cao unsheathed the knife. It so happened that Dong saw his move in a mirror. He looked back and asked Cao Cao what he was doing. (227) Central to this has been the move in 2009 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to reverse the 1966 decision of President Charles de Gaulle and reintegrate France into NATO's military command. (228) Thirdly, the big move in antihypertensive drug therapy in recent years has been towards combination therapy, particularly in a single preparation. (229) The sun's emissions of UV light are not uniform, so as it rotates UV-bright regions move in and out of view of Earth. (230) The blockages represent MySpace's move in late March to a hardline lock-out of users and developers embedding any third-party content onto their MySpace profiles. (231) No one anticipates that a nation that supplies nuclear technology to a scofflaw could simply move in to claim it. (232) The rotation move in disco dancing can include a side walk where the leader cross-steps to the side and guides the follower around him. (233) UNTIL recently, opinions about the public and private sectors tended to move in mirror image. (234) Each cylindrical bore accommodates a piston that can move in a longitudinal direction and is supported on a swash plate, which is inclinable around at least one pivoting axis. (235) Waves are all the same length and move in step. (236) This motion, combined with the attractive force of the sun, causes them to move in circles around it. (237) He also said setting up a good bank/bad bank system is "enormously complicated to get right," stressing that any move in that direction would be cautious to avoid taking undue risks with public funds. (238) I suppose, however,[www.] he had this move in his mind - he was always half-cracked. (239) This system is the optical-collimate one, with safety glazing materials fixed on the sample glass bracket from the life-size angle that can move in horizontal and vertical ways. (240) I have to constantly remind myself not to humanly, not to move in a human way.