快好知 kuaihz

1. Most of his songs are pretty crummy. 2. We were staying in this really crummy hotel. 3. When I first came here, I had a crummy flat. 4. I've got a crummy ordinary dogsbody job. 5. Larry came home in a pretty crummy mood today. 6. I didn't want your crummy toy anyway! 7. Yeah, what a crummy job! 8. The weather is still pretty crummy. 9. That's a crummy attempt at a French accent. 10. Kids get enough crummy messages from television and other sources. 11. Meanwhile, the 30-something gals are keeping their crummy day jobs. 12. The service at that restaurant is crummy. 13. Don't crummy Just a joke! 14. Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life! 15. The service at this restaurant is crummy. No wonder there aren't many customers. 16. What a crummy day. 17. The house is so old and crummy it's falling apart. 18. C: This was the only crummy job I could find in this economy. 19. As if that makes all the crummy things in sweeter. 20. Air India, the state - owned carrier, is crummy by comparison, though it is improving. 21. Whatever he has up his hair, though, it still makes him a crummy date. 22. It was indeed bloody sauce putting the Party's delegation up at such a crummy hotel. 23. That's what they want me to be - some crummy clerk with painted fingernails number-crunching on a computer all day. 24. Perhaps he had had a bad day at the garage and had not sold enough crummy second-hand cars. 25. But I'm desperate to go, because I'm in a really crummy job which pays badly. 26. I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out. 27. I can't believe that the hotel charged me $ 100 per night for such a crummy room. 28. Awareness of whatever is there, be It'supreme truth or crummy trash. 29. Bud: What kind of kid would rather sit in a crummy classroom and be out here? 30. Awareness of whatever is there, be it supreme truth or crummy trash.