快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 2. He had an attractive singularity of viewpoint. 3. He has been behaving with great singularity. 4. One cannot fail to be struck by the singularity of his sculptures. 5. A few young composers spotted Magnard's singularity. 6. However, there is a curvature singularity at. 7. In the following sections and chapters the singularity and global structure of particular solutions will be analysed in more detail. 8. As such a singularity is approached, some physical quantities diverge and all observers feel unbounded tidal forces. 9. He is just trying to assert his singularity as a writer. 10. All three types of singularity are found in colliding plane wave solutions. 11. Usually this will be a scalar polynomial curvature singularity, but a large class of significant exceptions occurs. 12. The eye seeks and recognises the singularity of a symmetrical pair. 13. The infinite singularity in the response would not occur in a practical circuit because of inevitable resistive loss. 14. They contain the usual coordinate singularity on the hypersurface but, for this class, this is not a curvature singularity. 15. The mathematical singularity arises because the set of coordinates imposed everywhere is best suited to regions of small curvature. 15. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 16. This clearly indicates that, in these cases, the singularity in this region is a non-scalar curvature singularity. 17. This can not be a curvature singularity, since the curvature tensor on it is zero. 18. Experience in teaching children with special needs helps to reduce apprehensions about their singularity. 19. The theory of general relativity predicts an infinite curvature, but whether such a physical singularity can really occur is not known. 20. This clearly demonstrates the existence of a scalar curvature singularity on this hypersurface. 21. Consequently it is not possible in general to analyse the singularity structure in such detail. 22. Although they are anonymous subjects of the camera, their singularity is often stressed and their individual gestures carefully recorded. 23. Melville uses the eyes of the whale to suggest something of the duality of nature as opposed to the Singularity of man. 24. The work that Penrose and I did showed that they would continue to collapse until they reached a singularity of infinite density. 25. Certainly, it is not a counterexample of a solution for colliding waves without singularity. 26. In this case either I or J must be unbounded, and a curvature singularity occurs. 27. In this case only, the surface corresponds to a curvature singularity. 28. However, the beginning in imaginary time will not be a singularity. 29. In 1965 I read about Penrose's theorem that any body undergoing gravitational collapse must eventually form a singularity. 30. The sides and are the II-IV and III-IV boundaries respectively, and the focusing singularity occurs on the line.