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1. The school's audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device. 2. The school's audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device, not to mention films, records, etc. 3. The Basement area has been equipped for audio-visual presentations. 4. These audio-visual methods have the added advantage of being independent of the availability of the system. 5. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices. 6. His state-of-the-art audio-visual was stunning, and he already has the book of the film of the climbs in print. 7. The use of other audio-visual media in library education should also be considered. 8. What path of audio-visual degradation are you happily leading me down this time? 9. A full range of audio-visual equipment and technical assistance is available. 10. Vary the programme with humour, audio-visual devices, music, movement, colour, question and answer sessions, guest appearances. 11. audio-visual aids for the classroom. 12. The firm will also provide audio-visual, teleconferencing, virtualization, staging, configuration, software imaging, integration, warehousing and logistics services. 13. E-books, audio-visual materials and microform materials are not included in the above statistics. 14. Some audio radio relay station, home wireless AV audio-visual system. 15. If time and place allow, consider and prepare audio-visual aids. 16. It gives a view of the Earth based on satellite data and photographs, interactive computers and audio-visual systems. 17. Other Attractions Gift shop, picnic areas, visual displays and audio-visual presentations. 18. They provide technical assistance to teachers, especially in science subjects, and sometimes also deal with audio-visual equipment. 19. Users also stated that they lied this type of audio-visual material for library instruction. 20. The approach is conceptual and skills-based, with extensive use of audio-visual resources, fieldwork and written texts. 21. Part of our volunteers work is to commend to schools our range of written and audio-visual materials. 22. There is now no shortage of books, periodicals, videos and audio-visual aids concerned with the field of special needs. 23. In view of the film ontology, the research on the audio-visual expression of Kieslowski has practical significance both in both practical and theoretical fields. 24. This paper is the third section from The Variation and developments of Foreign Language Teaching, dealing with the audio-lingual and audio-visual approach. 24.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 25. I decided not to use a powerpoint or other audio-visual aids, because I think we've become too dependent on these tools. 26. Before leaving, Wen said to the students, "I brought 1000 Chinese books and some audio-visual materials for you to learn. 27. As a subdiscipline of anthropology, visual anthropology has the function of interpreting the cultural phenomenon with the audio-visual language. 28. To be responsible for managing the publication and duplication of audio-visual products. 29. The exteriorization of Zhao Benshan TV's character reflects in the audio-visual language. Stylistic audio-visual language illustrates the characters and main idea of Zhao Benshan TV. 30. Lip is one of the most important facial features, and plays key roles in a variety of fields such as audio-visual speech, authentication, lip synchronization, face recognition, etc.